Preparing for A-Level German Paper 2 requires a strategic and well-structured approach. This paper assesses your ability to analyse and discuss German literature and cinema, demonstrating both your comprehension and critical thinking skills.
In this guide, we’ll cover:
✔ How the exam is structured (AQA & Edexcel differences)
✔ Which works of literature and films you can choose from
✔ How to structure your essays effectively
✔ Essential revision strategies
✔ Where to find the best resources, including our revision guides
Let’s get started! 🚀
📌 Understanding the Exam Structure
Duration: 2 hours
Content: Write two essays—either:
One literary text and one film, or
Two literary texts
Marks: Each essay is worth 40 marks (Total: 80 marks)
Weighting: 20% of the A-Level
Important: You cannot write two essays on the same book or film!
Duration: 2 hours 40 minutes
Content: Write two essays—either:
One literary text and one film, or
Two literary texts
Marks: Each essay is worth 40 marks (Total: 80 marks)
Weighting: 20% of the A-Level
Each essay must be written on a different work.
🎭 Which Works of Literature and Films Can You Choose From?
Each exam board has a specific list of approved texts and films. Here is the list with links to my A-level German revision guides for the literary texts and movies I have published already.
📖 AQA Literary Texts
Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum – Heinrich Böll
Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder – Bertolt Brecht
Andorra – Max Frisch
Zonenkinder – Jana Hensel
Russendisko – Wladimir Kaminer
Fundbüro – Siegfried Lenz
🎬 AQA Films
Das Leben der Anderen (2006) – Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei (2005) – Hans Weingartner
Almanya – Willkommen in Deutschland (2011) – Yasemin Şamdereli
Lola rennt (1998) – Tom Tykwer
📖 Edexcel Literary Texts
Andorra – Max Frisch
Der Besuch der alten Dame – Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Der kaukasische Kreidekreis – Bertolt Brecht
Der Vorleser – Bernhard Schlink
Die Entdeckung der Currywurst – Uwe Timm
Die neuen Leiden des jungen W. – Ulrich Plenzdorf
Die Verwandlung – Franz Kafka
Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum – Heinrich Böll
Ich fühle mich so fifty-fifty – Karin König
Sansibar oder der letzte Grund – Alfred Andersch
Sommerhaus, später – Judith Hermann
Tonio Kröger – Thomas Mann
🎬 Edexcel Films
Almanya – Willkommen in Deutschland (2011) – Yasemin Şamdereli
Das Leben der Anderen (2006) – Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
Das Wunder von Bern (2003) – Sönke Wortmann
Der Untergang (2004) – Oliver Hirschbiegel
Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei (2004) – Hans Weingartner
✍ How to Structure Your A-Level German Paper 2 Essay Effectively
Writing a strong essay in A-Level German Paper 2 requires a clear plan and well-structured arguments. Before you start writing, it's crucial to organise your thoughts so your essay remains focused, coherent, and analytical.
📌 Step 1: Devise an Essay Plan Before You Start Writing
1️⃣ Brainstorm Your Main Ideas
Read the essay question carefully.
Identify key themes from the text or film that relate to the question.
Note down important quotes, scenes, or moments that support different arguments.
2️⃣ Reorganise and Prioritise Your Ideas
Not all ideas carry the same weight—some arguments are stronger and backed by better evidence than others.
Rank your points based on:
✔ Relevance to the essay question
✔ Strength of supporting examples from the text or film
✔ The depth of analysis you can provide
3️⃣ Form Your Overall Hypothesis/Argument
Think about the main argument (thesis statement) you want to make.
Write your opening sentence that directly answers the essay question and presents your core argument.
4️⃣ Structure Your Essay Logically
Decide the order in which you will present your arguments.
Which point should come first, second, and third?
Each paragraph should build upon the previous one and contribute to your final conclusion.
📌 Step 2: Writing Your Essay
🔹 Introduction: Start with a Clear Answer to the Question
The first sentence of your introduction should:
✔ Provide a clear answer to the essay question.
✔ Include a strong reason to justify your argument.
✅ Example opening sentence: "In Der Besuch der alten Dame zeigt Dürrenmatt, wie Geld die Moral einer Gesellschaft korrumpiert und dass ethische Prinzipien zusammenbrechen, sobald finanzielle Anreize ins Spiel kommen."
After your first sentence, briefly outline the structure of your essay by mentioning the main points you will discuss.
🔹 Main Body: Three Well-Structured Paragraphs
Your essay should have three main paragraphs, each focusing on a different key theme, character, or argument.
Paragraph 1:
✔ Start with a topic sentence that explains why this theme is relevant to answering the essay question.
✔ Explain your argument, providing examples from the text or film (e.g., key scenes, quotes, or character development).
✔ Link back to the question at the end of the paragraph to reinforce its importance.
✅ Example of the beginning of a paragraph: "Ein zentrales Thema des Dramas ist die Käuflichkeit der Gerechtigkeit. Dies wird besonders deutlich, als Claire Zachanassian den Bewohnern von Güllen eine Milliarde verspricht, wenn sie Alfred Ill töten. Anfangs lehnen sie das Angebot empört ab, doch mit der Zeit beginnen sie, auf Kredit zu kaufen und sich finanziell zu verschulden – ein Zeichen dafür, dass die moralische Integrität der Stadtbewohner ins Wanken gerät."
Paragraph 2:
✔ Again, introduce the theme of this paragraph and explain why it is crucial.
✔ Use specific evidence to support your argument.
✔ Show how this point builds upon the previous one.
✔ End by linking back to the essay question.
✅ Example of an analysis of a key scene: "Dürrenmatt verdeutlicht die zunehmende Heuchelei der Güllener besonders in der Szene, in der der Bürgermeister zu Ill sagt: 'Die Gerechtigkeit kann man nicht kaufen!' – während er sich gleichzeitig nicht mehr eindeutig gegen das Angebot von Claire stellt. Dies zeigt, wie sich die Stadt langsam aber sicher auf Ills Tod vorbereitet, während sie gleichzeitig vorgibt, an moralischen Werten festzuhalten."
Paragraph 3:
✔ Present an alternative viewpoint, a counter-argument, or another key theme.
✔ Provide textual/film evidence to support your analysis.
✔ Evaluate how this contributes to your overall argument.
💡 Tip: At the end of each paragraph, write one or two sentences explaining how your discussion answers the essay question.
✅ Example of the end of a paragraph with a link to essay question: "Diese Entwicklung macht deutlich, dass sich Dürrenmatts Werk nicht nur mit individueller Schuld befasst, sondern auch eine Gesellschaft kritisiert, die aus Opportunismus ihre eigenen Werte verrät."
🔹 Conclusion: Summarise and Reinforce Your Argument
Your conclusion should:
✔ Summarise your main points concisely.
✔ Explain why these points support your central argument.
✔ Ensure that your conclusion and introduction agree—your final argument should match what you stated at the beginning.
✅ Example of a conclusion: "Dürrenmatt nutzt Güllen als Spiegelbild einer Gesellschaft, die sich selbst betrügt, um wirtschaftliche Vorteile zu erlangen. Sein Drama dient damit als scharfsinnige Warnung vor der Macht des Geldes und der Erosion moralischer Prinzipien."
📌 Final Tips for Success
✔ Plan before writing—A well-structured essay is easier to write and more persuasive.
✔ Stick to the question—Make sure every paragraph directly addresses the topic.
✔ Use strong textual/film evidence—Support your points with examples and analysis.
✔ Link back to the question at the end of each paragraph—Keep your argument focused.
✔ Ensure your introduction and conclusion align—Your final argument should be clear and consistent.
By following this approach, you’ll write clear, focused, and well-structured essays that showcase your analytical skills and help you achieve top marks in A-Level German Paper 2! 🚀📖 For useful phrases, read my guide on how to write excellent A-level German essays.
🎯 Top Revision Strategies
✔ Plan Your Essays – Write practice responses with clear arguments.
✔ Use Model Answers – Compare your writing to top-grade examples.
✔ Memorise Key Quotes – Support arguments with direct evidence.
✔ Practice Under Exam Conditions – Set a timer for 60 minutes per essay.
✔ Get Feedback – Ask your teacher or tutor to review your work.
🔎 Final Tips for Success
📌 Know Your Exam Board’s Requirements – Each board has specific expectations.📌 Answer the Question Directly – Stay focused on the exact wording of the essay prompt.📌 Showcase Critical Thinking – Avoid just summarizing; analyze and evaluate.
By following this guide, you’ll be well-prepared to excel in A-Level German Paper 2! 💡
📩 Need extra help? Check out our private A-level German tuition options and revision courses at Olesen Tuition. 📚 Good luck! Viel Erfolg! 🎉
Now It’s Your Turn! 💬
Do you have any questions about preparing for A-Level German Paper 2? Need extra help with structuring your essays or analyzing a particular book or film? Leave a comment below! ⬇️
✅ Share your thoughts: Which works or films have you chosen? What do you find most challenging?
✅ Ask your questions: Need more examples or explanations on a specific topic?
✅ Request additional revision guides: We have comprehensive study materials to help you refine your analysis and boost your grades.
💡 Get in touch for personalised support, private tuition, or extra practice materials. We’re here to help you achieve top marks! 🚀
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