Many argue that German is among the most challenging languages to learn, surpassing even French or Spanish. However, the level of difficulty depends on factors such as your native language, language learning experience, and personal preferences. If your native language is rooted in Latin or a Germanic language, the learning experience can vary. In this blog post, I'll explore what lies behind the perceived difficulty of learning German compared to learning French and Spanish.
While German grammar is often cited as a major hurdle, it boasts a consistent and logical structure, more so than French or Spanish. The key lies in the fact that rules in German grammar, although numerous, generally apply broadly, with fewer exceptions than in Latin-based languages.
Consider word order in German sentences. The fundamental rule is that the conjugated verb occupies the second position in a main clause, shifting to the end in a subordinate clause. Although there are connectors that blur the lines between main and subordinate clauses, once mastered, these connectors simplify German word order. In contrast, French and Spanish share word order similarities with English, but complexities arise with adjectives and pronouns, making the syntax less straightforward. E.g. J'aime les robes vertes. J'aime les nouvelle robes. The German language treats all adjectives in the same way. When the French language uses two vous right next to each other, they each have different meaning. E.g. vous vous aimez,. The first vous means you (being the subject), and the second means yourself (being the direct object), but the verb comes third.
Examining verb conjugation and tense usage, German proves to be more straightforward than French and Spanish. German verbs generally end in -en, simplifying the infinitive form. In contrast, French and Spanish present multiple infinitive forms, each conjugating differently with numerous exceptions. German also has fewer past tenses (Perfekt, Präteritum, and Plusquamperfekt) compared to the five past tenses in French and Spanish. Finally, the subjunctive mood in both French and and especially in Spanish (as there are more conjunctions to learn) is quite confusing. Not only is the subjunctive mood used to express necessities, possibilities, and judgments, it is also used in subordinate clauses to communicate subjectivity, uncertainty and unreal situations from the perspective of the speaker. In German, the situations in which the subjunctive is used are more straightforward and similar to English (hypothetical situations, polite questions, advice, suggestions etc.).
The third example is the German cases (nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive) and three genders in the German language (masculine, feminine, neuter). While the logic of the cases is actually very similar in the three languages, French and Spanish express the difference between a direct and indirect object and the genitive case by virtue of prepositions and their endings, whereas German uses its articles. However, as German has a third gender- the neutral- that the two Romance languages don't have, there are more articles to learn, making the language more difficult in that respect.
Of course, the list of grammar rules students need to master in German and in the other two languages is a lot longer. From adjective endings to numerous prepositions, but what about German vocabulary? While German vocabulary may be nuanced and less directly translatable from English, it compensates with compound nouns that offer clear, specific meanings. Pronunciation in German, once basic alphabet differences are understood, is considered less challenging than French and somewhat easier than Spanish.
Let's finally consider pronunciation. Once you have familiarised yourself with some alphabet differences between German and your native language and remember the sound of some letter combinations like ie/ei, the pronunciation of German words is not as difficult as especially French but to some extent also Spanish. There are rules, of course, but I'm sure everyone who has ever learned French would agree that the language bends its pronunciation rules quite a lot.
In essence, while German presents many grammar rules, and some may be more intricate than in French and Spanish, the language's logic and consistency are aspects highly valued by learners. Moreover, the richness of the German language provides access to a culturally diverse universe, including classical music, literature, and philosophy, making it a rewarding language to explore. The true question isn't necessarily about the level of difficulty but whether learning German aligns with your interests and goals—a question that merits a personalised response
On our blog, you will find many other topics to do with language learning in general and learning German in particular. For instance, we review the online dictionaries, dict.leo, Linguee and Collins, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using Duolingo, Memrise, Babbel, Busuu, and Quizlet, explain the difference between levels of language competence from A1 to C2, and answer the question how long it takes to learn German.