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How Do You Say Happy Easter in German?

Writer: Jens OlesenJens Olesen

Updated: Jan 31

Easter, or Ostern, is one of the most significant holidays in German-speaking countries. From religious ceremonies to festive traditions, Easter in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland is celebrated with a variety of customs that make this holiday unique.

One of the simplest yet most common ways to spread Easter joy is by saying “Happy Easter” in German. The standard phrase is:

“Frohe Ostern!”

This phrase is widely used in both formal and informal settings and is the most popular Easter greeting among German speakers.

But there’s more to Easter in Germany than just greetings! This guide explores German Easter vocabulary, traditions, religious observances, regional customs, and Easter foods to help you immerse yourself in the holiday spirit.

Happy Easter in German- A Comprehensive Guide
Happy Easter in German

1. Easter Greetings in German

If you want to wish someone a Happy Easter in German, you can use these variations:



Happy Easter!

Frohe Ostern!

I wish you a happy Easter!

Ich wünsche dir frohe Ostern!

Blessed Easter!

Gesegnete Ostern!

Happy Easter holidays!

Schöne Osterfeiertage!

Enjoy the Easter weekend!

Genieße das Osterwochenende!

Example Sentences:

  • Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie frohe Ostern! (I wish you and your family a happy Easter!)

  • Gesegnete Ostern für alle meine Freunde! (Blessed Easter to all my friends!)

2. Religious Easter Terminology

Since Easter is a Christian holiday, many German phrases are related to its religious significance:



Jesus Christ

Jesus Christus


die Kreuzigung


die Auferstehung

The Last Supper

das letzte Abendmahl

Easter Mass

die Ostermesse

Palm Sunday

der Palmsonntag

Holy Thursday

der Gründonnerstag

Good Friday

der Karfreitag

Easter Sunday

der Ostersonntag

Easter Monday

der Ostermontag

The Bible

die Bibel

Church Service

der Gottesdienst

Example Sentences:

  • Die Christen feiern die Auferstehung Jesu am Ostersonntag. (Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday.)

  • Viele Familien besuchen die Ostermesse in der Kirche. (Many families attend the Easter Mass at church.)

3. Popular Easter Traditions in Germany

Germany has many unique Easter traditions, some of which date back centuries. Here are some of the most common ones:

a) Easter Fires (Osterfeuer)

One of the most spectacular traditions in Germany is the Osterfeuer (Easter fire). On Holy Saturday (Karsamstag), large bonfires are lit in towns and villages, symbolizing the end of winter and the arrival of new life.

👉 Where?

  • The Easter fire tradition is particularly popular in Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Bavaria.

👉 Why?

  • It originally had pagan roots, symbolizing the return of the sun. Today, it is more of a social gathering where families and friends celebrate Easter together.

b) Easter Egg Hunts (Ostereiersuche)

Another well-loved tradition is the Easter egg hunt. On Easter Sunday (Ostersonntag), children search for hidden chocolate eggs, candies, and small gifts, supposedly left by the Osterhase (Easter Bunny).

👉 Did you know?

  • The tradition of the Easter Bunny bringing eggs started in Germany and later spread to other countries.

c) Easter Fountains (Osterbrunnen)

In Franconia (northern Bavaria), many towns and villages decorate public fountains with hand-painted Easter eggs, garlands, and colorful ribbons. This tradition is known as Osterbrunnen, symbolizing the importance of water and renewal.

4. Easter Foods in Germany

Food plays a major role in German Easter celebrations. Here are some traditional Easter dishes:



Easter Bread

das Osterbrot

Easter Lamb Cake

der Osterlammkuchen

Colored Eggs

die gefärbten Eier

Easter Ham

der Osterschinken

Carrot Cake

der Karottenkuchen

Egg Liqueur

der Eierlikör

Easter Brunch

der Osterbrunch

Example Sentences:

  • Zum Osterfrühstück gibt es Osterbrot und gefärbte Eier. (For Easter breakfast, there is Easter bread and colored eggs.)

  • Osterlammkuchen ist ein traditionelles Gebäck in Deutschland. (Easter lamb cake is a traditional pastry in Germany.)

5. Fun Easter Activities in German-Speaking Countries

Easter celebrations include fun activities that bring families together. Some of the most popular ones include:



Easter Market

der Ostermarkt

Easter Walk

der Osterspaziergang

Egg Rolling

das Eierrollen

Egg Tapping

das Eierklopfen

Easter Bunny Costume

das Osterhasenkostüm

Decorating Easter Trees

das Schmücken von Osterbäumen

👉 Did you know?

  • In some parts of Germany, Easter trees (Ostereierbaum) are decorated with hundreds of colorful eggs.

6. Conclusion

Easter in Germany is filled with rich traditions, festive activities, and delicious foods. Whether you are celebrating with family, traveling in Germany, or improving your German language skills, knowing these Easter-related words and phrases will help you connect with the culture and traditions.

💡 Tip: Try using these phrases in your Easter cards, greetings, or conversations to make your Easter celebration even more special!

Frohe Ostern! (Happy Easter!) 🐣🥚🐰


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