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Happy Valentine's Day in German

Writer's picture: Jens OlesenJens Olesen

Updated: Feb 12

Valentine's Day, or Valentinstag in German, is celebrated on February 14th each year as a day of love and romance. If you're learning German or planning to spend this romantic holiday in a German-speaking country, knowing the right words and phrases can help you express your feelings or celebrate in style. Whether you’re planning a romantic dinner, writing a love letter, or giving a heartfelt speech, this expanded guide covers everything you need to communicate love in German.

Happy Valentine's Day in German
Happy Valentine's Day in German

Valentine's Day, known as "Valentinstag" in German, has been celebrated in Germany since the 1950s. While its customs are fairly similar to those in the UK and USA—such as buying roses for your loved one and going out for a romantic dinner—Valentinstag is generally a more subdued affair in Germany compared to other parts of the Western world. Some even regard it as nothing more than a commercial invention aimed at boosting sales. Nevertheless, you might be curious about how to wish someone a Happy Valentine's Day in German.

We typically say:

  • "Alles Liebe zum Valentinstag" (literally, "all the love for Valentine's Day") or

  • "Alles Gute zum Valentinstag" ("all the best for Valentine's Day").

Let's now look at other useful vocabulary for Valentine's Day.

1. Romantic German Vocabulary

Start with some key words and phrases that revolve around love and Valentine's Day:

General Valentine's Day Words

  • Der Valentinstag – Valentine’s Day

  • Die Liebe – Love

  • Der Schatz – Treasure (used like "darling" or "honey")

  • Die Beziehung – Relationship

  • Der Partner / Die Partnerin – Partner

  • Der Verlobte / Die Verlobte – Fiancé / Fiancée

  • Der Ehemann / Die Ehefrau – Husband / Wife

  • Der Herzschlag – Heartbeat

  • Das Geschenk – Gift

  • Die Überraschung – Surprise

Terms of Endearment

German has plenty of affectionate nicknames to call your significant other. Here are a few:

  • Mein Schatz – My treasure

  • Mein Liebling – My darling

  • Meine Liebe – My love

  • Mein Engel – My angel

  • Mein Herz – My heart

  • Süße / Süßer – Sweetie (female/male)

  • Hasi – Bunny (an endearing term)

2. Expressing Love in German

Here are some romantic phrases for different stages of a relationship or to show affection:

For New Couples

  • Ich habe dich sehr gern. – I like you a lot.

  • Du bist etwas ganz Besonderes für mich. – You are something very special to me.

  • Ich mag deine Gesellschaft. – I enjoy your company.

For Established Relationships

  • Ich liebe dich. – I love you.

  • Du bist die Liebe meines Lebens. – You are the love of my life.

  • Ohne dich wäre ich verloren. – Without you, I’d be lost.

  • Ich kann mir mein Leben ohne dich nicht vorstellen. – I can’t imagine my life without you.

For Proposals or Grand Gestures

  • Willst du mein/e Valentine sein? – Will you be my Valentine?

  • Möchtest du den Rest deines Lebens mit mir verbringen? – Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?

  • Willst du mich heiraten? – Will you marry me?

3. Writing a Romantic Letter in German

Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to express your feelings in writing. Here’s how you can compose a romantic letter in German:

Opening Your Letter

Start with a term of endearment and an affectionate greeting:

  • Mein Liebster / Meine Liebste, – My dearest (male/female)

  • Mein Herz, – My heart

  • Für meinen Schatz, – For my treasure

Expressing Your Feelings

  • Seit ich dich kenne, hat sich mein Leben verändert. – Since I’ve known you, my life has changed.

  • Jeder Tag mit dir ist ein Geschenk. – Every day with you is a gift.

  • Du bringst mich zum Lächeln, selbst an den schwersten Tagen. – You make me smile, even on the hardest days.

  • Ich liebe dich mehr, als Worte ausdrücken können. – I love you more than words can express.

Closing Your Letter

End with a heartfelt goodbye:

  • In Liebe, – With love

  • Dein/e [Name], – Yours [Name]

  • Für immer dein/e, – Forever yours

4. Valentine's Day Activities and Phrases

Planning a Romantic Date

Here are some phrases for planning a special day with your partner:

  • Hast du heute Abend Zeit für ein besonderes Abendessen? – Do you have time for a special dinner tonight?

  • Ich habe einen Tisch in deinem Lieblingsrestaurant reserviert. – I’ve reserved a table at your favorite restaurant.

  • Lass uns einen romantischen Spaziergang machen. – Let’s go for a romantic walk.

Giving a Gift

  • Ich habe ein Geschenk für dich. – I have a gift for you.

  • Ich hoffe, es gefällt dir. – I hope you like it.

  • Hier ist etwas, das dich an mich erinnern soll. – Here’s something to remind you of me.

Enjoying the Moment

  • Dieser Abend ist perfekt mit dir. – This evening is perfect with you.

  • Ich fühle mich so glücklich, dich an meiner Seite zu haben. – I feel so happy to have you by my side.

  • Du machst jeden Moment besonders. – You make every moment special.

6. German Valentine’s Day Traditions

Valentine's Day in Germany is celebrated in a similar way to many other countries, but here are some unique traditions:

  1. Flowers Are a Must

    • Roses, especially red ones, are the most popular gift. Say:

      • "Ich habe dir Rosen mitgebracht." – I brought you roses.

  2. Chocolates and Sweets

    • Heart-shaped chocolates are common. You can say:

      • "Hier ist etwas Süßes für dich." – Here’s something sweet for you.

  3. Personalized Gifts

    • Germans appreciate thoughtful, personalized gifts. A framed photo or a handmade card can mean a lot.

  4. Romantic Dinners

    • Couples often celebrate with a special dinner, either at a restaurant or at home with candles and wine.

7. Responding to Romantic Gestures in German

If your partner surprises you with a romantic gesture, here’s how to respond:

Expressing Gratitude

  • Vielen Dank, das ist so lieb von dir! – Thank you, that’s so sweet of you!

  • Das bedeutet mir sehr viel. – That means so much to me.

  • Ich liebe es! Danke, mein Schatz. – I love it! Thank you, my darling.

Reciprocating Feelings

  • Ich liebe dich auch. – I love you too.

  • Du bist das Beste, was mir je passiert ist. – You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  • Ich bin so glücklich, dass ich dich habe. – I’m so happy to have you.


Valentine’s Day is a beautiful time to express love and appreciation, and doing so in German adds a personal and romantic touch. With these expanded phrases, poems, and cultural insights, you’ll be ready to make this Valentine’s Day unforgettable. Whether you’re writing a heartfelt card, planning a romantic evening, or simply saying "Ich liebe dich," your efforts will surely be appreciated.

Happy Valentine’s Day, or as they say in Germany, Frohen Valentinstag!


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