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Guten Appetit! Discovering the German Names of the 50 Most Common Vegetables

Writer: Jens OlesenJens Olesen

Updated: Oct 17, 2024

As you embark on your culinary adventures or language-learning journey, knowing the names of common vegetables in German can be both practical and enjoyable. Germany, with its rich culinary traditions and diverse cuisine, offers a vibrant array of vegetables used in various delicious dishes. In this blog post, we'll explore the German names of the 50 most common vegetables to expand your vocabulary and culinary horizons.

German names of the 50 most common vegetables
German names of the 50 most common vegetables

Follow our new blog series on essential German words and phrases. The first post in the series is on supermarket shopping in German.

Vegetables and their German Translation

1. Potato - Kartoffel

  • Potatoes are a staple in German cuisine, often used to make Kartoffelsalat (potato salad) or Kartoffelsuppe (potato soup).

2. Tomato - Tomate

  • Tomatoes are used in countless German recipes, from salads to sauces like Tomatensauce (tomato sauce).

3. Onion - Zwiebel

  • Zwiebeln are essential for flavouring dishes like Zwiebelsuppe (onion soup) or Zwiebelkuchen (onion cake).

4. Carrot - Karotte

  • Karotten are commonly used in soups, stews, and as a side dish.

5. Cucumber - Gurke

  • Gurken are often found in salads and pickled for a refreshing snack.

6. Bell Pepper - Paprika

  • Paprika is used in various colours to add flavour and colour to dishes like Paprikaschoten (chilu).

7. Garlic - Knoblauch

  • Knoblauch is a key ingredient in many German recipes, such as Knoblauchbrot (garlic bread).

8. Spinach - Spinat

  • Spinat is a popular green vegetable used in Spinatnudeln (spinach noodles) and Spinatquiche (spinach quiche).

9. Broccoli - Brokkoli

  • Brokkoli is used in salads and as a side dish, often served with a creamy sauce.

10. Cauliflower - Blumenkohl

  • Blumenkohl is commonly used in German dishes like Blumenkohlsuppe (cauliflower soup) and Blumenkohlauflauf (cauliflower casserole).

11. Pumpkin - Kürbis

  • Kürbis is used in soups, stews, and even desserts like Kürbiskuchen (pumpkin pie).

12. Eggplant/Aubergine - Aubergine

  • Auberginen are used in dishes like Auberginenauflauf (eggplant casserole) and Ratatouille.

13. Lettuce - Salat

  • Various types of Salat are used in salads, such as Kopfsalat (lettuce) and Rucolasalat (arugula salad).

14. Peas - Erbsen

  • Erbsen are a common side dish and used in dishes like Erbsensuppe (pea soup).

15. Corn - Mais

  • Mais is used in salads, salsas, and as a side dish.

16. Green Beans - Grüne Bohnen

  • Grüne Bohnen are often served as a side dish, sometimes with bacon.

17. Asparagus - Spargel

  • Spargel is a spring delicacy in Germany, enjoyed in dishes like Spargelsuppe (asparagus soup) and Spargelsalat (asparagus salad).

18. Mushroom - Pilz

  • Pilze are used in various German recipes, including Pilzrisotto (mushroom risotto) and Pilzsoße (mushroom sauce).

19. Radish - Radieschen

  • Radieschen are commonly used in salads and as a garnish.

20. Sweet Potato - Süßkartoffel

  • Süßkartoffeln are used in various recipes, including Süßkartoffelpüree (mashed sweet potatoes).

21. Leek - Lauch

  • Lauch is used in soups, quiches, and as a side dish.

22. Brussels Sprouts - Rosenkohl

  • Rosenkohl is often served as a side dish in Germany, sometimes with butter and almonds.

23. Zucchini/Courgette - Zucchini

  • Zucchini are used in dishes like Zucchinipuffer (zucchini fritters) and Zucchininudeln (zucchini noodles).

24. Beetroot - Rote Bete

  • Rote Bete is used in salads, soups, and even as a natural food coloring.

25. Celery - Sellerie

  • Sellerie is used in soups, stews, and salads.

26. Radicchio - Radicchio

  • Radicchio is used in salads and as a garnish.

27. Parsnip - Pastinake

  • Pastinaken are used in soups and stews, imparting a sweet flavor.

28. Turnip - Rübe

  • Rüben are used in various forms, such as Rübensalat (turnip salad) and Rübenmus (turnip mash).

29. Artichoke - Artischocke

  • Artischocken are used in salads and as a pizza topping.

30. Cabbage - Kohl

  • Various types of Kohl are used in German cuisine, including Weißkohl (white cabbage) and Rotkohl (red cabbage).

31. Swiss Chard - Mangold

  • Mangold is used in salads, quiches, and as a side dish.

32. Okra - Okra

  • Okra is used in stews and as a thickening agent in dishes like Gumbo.

33. Kohlrabi - Kohlrabi

  • Kohlrabi is often served raw as a snack or in salads.

34. Chives - Schnittlauch

  • Schnittlauch is used as a garnish and flavoring in various dishes.

35. Watercress - Brunnenkresse

  • Brunnenkresse is used in salads and as a garnish for sandwiches.

36. Endive - Endivie

  • Endivie is used in salads and as a cooked vegetable.

37. Fennel - Fenchel

  • Fenchel is used in salads and soups, known for its anise-like flavor.

38. Rutabaga - Steckrübe

  • Steckrüben are used in stews and soups, especially in the northern regions of Germany.

39. Dill - Dill

  • Dill is used as a seasoning for dishes like Kartoffelsalat mit Dill (potato salad with dill).

40. Ginger - Ingwer

  • Ingwer is used in various dishes and is popular in German gingerbread (Lebkuchen).

41. Radicchio - Radicchio

  • Radicchio is used in salads and as a garnish.

42. Bean Sprouts -

  • Bohnensprossen are commonly used in stir-fries, salads, and as a garnish for various Asian dishes.

43. Raddish- Rettich

  • Rettich is often sliced and added to salads or used as a garnish.

44. Asparagus- Spargel

  • Spargel is a popular spring vegetable in Germany and is typically steamed or roasted and served with hollandaise sauce.

45. Kale- Grünkohl

  • Grünkohl is traditionally used in hearty German dishes like Grünkohl mit Pinkel (kale with sausage) and is also used in salads.

46. Garlic- Knoblauch

  • Knoblauch is a versatile vegetable used to flavour a wide range of savoury dishes, sauces, and soups.

47. Soy bean- Sojabohne

  • Sojabohne is used to make soy products such as tofu, soy milk, and various sauces.

48. Rhubarb- Rhabarber

  • Rhabarber is used to make desserts like rhubarb pie, crumble, or compote, often combined with sugar to balance its tartness.

49. Artichoke- Artischoke

  • Artischoke is commonly served as a side dish or used in dips and salads.

50. Shallots- Schalotten

  • Schalotten are used as a flavourful addition to various dishes, especially in sauces and vinaigrettes.

On our German language blog, you'll find other posts you might find interesting, such as on popular German dishes, how to order a meal in German and essential phrases for your trip to a German-speaking country.


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