🏠 Introduction
If you're moving to Germany, decorating your home, or simply interested in learning practical German vocabulary, mastering the names of common furniture items is essential. Whether you're furnishing an apartment, visiting a furniture store (Möbelgeschäft), or browsing online, this guide will help you navigate everyday conversations with ease.
In this comprehensive post, you’ll learn:
The most common German furniture terms
Categories of furniture for different rooms
Useful phrases for shopping and discussing furniture
Tips for understanding German furniture culture
By the end, you’ll be equipped to describe any room in German and confidently navigate furniture shopping experiences.
🏡 1. Essential Furniture Vocabulary by Category
A) Living Room Furniture (Wohnzimmermöbel)
English | German |
Sofa | das Sofa |
Armchair | der Sessel |
Coffee table | der Couchtisch |
Side table | der Beistelltisch |
Bookshelf | das Bücherregal |
TV stand | das Fernsehregal |
Cabinet | der Schrank |
Display cabinet | die Vitrine |
Rug | der Teppich |
Floor lamp | die Stehlampe |
B) Bedroom Furniture (Schlafzimmermöbel)
English | German |
Bed | das Bett |
Headboard | das Kopfteil |
Wardrobe | der Kleiderschrank |
Nightstand | der Nachttisch |
Dresser | die Kommode |
Mirror | der Spiegel |
Blanket | die Decke |
Pillow | das Kissen |
Mattress | die Matratze |
Chest of drawers | die Schubladenkommode |
C) Dining Room Furniture (Esszimmermöbel)
English | German |
Dining table | der Esstisch |
Dining chair | der Esszimmerstuhl |
Sideboard | das Sideboard |
Buffet cabinet | die Anrichte |
Serving trolley | der Servierwagen |
China cabinet | die Kredenz |
Bar stool | der Barhocker |
Tablecloth | die Tischdecke |
Napkin holder | der Serviettenhalter |
Chandelier | der Kronleuchter |
D) Kitchen Furniture (Küchenmöbel)
English | German |
Kitchen unit | die Küchenzeile |
Countertop | die Arbeitsplatte |
Kitchen island | die Kücheninsel |
Cupboard | der Küchenschrank |
Pantry | die Speisekammer |
Dish rack | das Geschirrregal |
Bar counter | die Bartheke |
Kitchen shelf | das Küchenregal |
Breakfast nook | die Frühstücksecke |
Sink | das Spülbecken |
E) Office Furniture (Büromöbel)
English | German |
Desk | der Schreibtisch |
Office chair | der Bürostuhl |
Filing cabinet | der Aktenschrank |
Bookshelf | das Bücherregal |
Computer desk | der Computertisch |
Conference table | der Konferenztisch |
Office lamp | die Bürolampe |
Whiteboard | das Whiteboard |
Drawer unit | der Rollcontainer |
Printer stand | der Druckertisch |
F) Bathroom Furniture (Badezimmermöbel)
English | German |
Bathroom cabinet | der Badezimmerschrank |
Vanity | der Waschtisch |
Mirror cabinet | der Spiegelschrank |
Laundry basket | der Wäschekorb |
Towel rack | der Handtuchhalter |
Bathroom shelf | das Badezimmerregal |
Shower screen | die Duschabtrennung |
Bathtub | die Badewanne |
Shower cabin | die Duschkabine |
Bath mat | die Badematte |
🗨️ 2. Useful Phrases for Talking About Furniture in German
A) Describing Furniture
English | German |
I like this sofa. | Mir gefällt dieses Sofa. |
This table is too big. | Dieser Tisch ist zu groß. |
I need a new bed. | Ich brauche ein neues Bett. |
The bookshelf is made of wood. | Das Bücherregal ist aus Holz. |
The armchair is very comfortable. | Der Sessel ist sehr bequem. |
B) Shopping for Furniture
English | German |
How much does this cost? | Wie viel kostet das? |
Do you offer delivery? | Bieten Sie eine Lieferung an? |
Can I get a discount? | Kann ich einen Rabatt bekommen? |
Is this available in another color? | Gibt es das in einer anderen Farbe? |
How long is the delivery time? | Wie lange ist die Lieferzeit? |
C) Asking for Measurements
English | German |
What are the dimensions of this bed? | Was sind die Maße dieses Bettes? |
How wide is this wardrobe? | Wie breit ist dieser Kleiderschrank? |
How tall is the bookshelf? | Wie hoch ist das Bücherregal? |
Does the sofa fit through the door? | Passt das Sofa durch die Tür? |
Can this table be extended? | Kann dieser Tisch verlängert werden? |
🏡 3. German Furniture Culture: What You Should Know
DIY Furniture Assembly: Many Germans enjoy building furniture themselves, especially when purchasing from stores like IKEA or local equivalents.
Minimalist Design: German homes often reflect minimalist, functional, and practical design principles.
Second-Hand Furniture: It’s common to buy used furniture through platforms like eBay Kleinanzeigen or flea markets (Flohmärkte).
Energy Efficiency: Many modern German appliances and furniture focus on energy-saving features and sustainability.
Built-in Kitchens: In rental apartments, kitchens (Einbauküche) are often not included, meaning tenants need to purchase and install their own.
✅ 4. Practice Exercises
Try practising these sentences in German:
I would like to buy a dining table and six chairs.
How much does this wardrobe cost?
The sofa is too small for my living room.
Can I have this bed delivered next week?
I need a desk for my office.
Ich möchte einen Esstisch und sechs Stühle kaufen.
Wie viel kostet dieser Kleiderschrank?
Das Sofa ist zu klein für mein Wohnzimmer.
Kann ich dieses Bett nächste Woche geliefert bekommen?
Ich brauche einen Schreibtisch für mein Büro.
Read our related post, German for home buyers, to learn more useful words.
🎓 5. Conclusion
Learning the German names for common furniture terms is not only practical but also essential for anyone living in or travelling to Germany. Whether you're furnishing your apartment, navigating an online marketplace, or chatting with friends about interior design, this vocabulary will help you feel more confident and connected to German culture.
Next time you go furniture shopping or redecorate your space, use these terms and phrases to enhance your experience. Viel Erfolg beim Einrichten! (Good luck with your decorating!)