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German Names of the 50 Most Common Animals: A Beginner’s Guide

Writer's picture: Jens OlesenJens Olesen

Updated: Nov 1, 2024

Learning the names of animals in German can be a fun and effective way to expand your vocabulary, especially if you’re a nature lover or simply want to connect with a common topic of conversation. From pets to farm animals and wild creatures, knowing how to talk about animals in German can come in handy when watching documentaries or during casual conversations with native speakers. In this blog post, we’ll go over the German names of the 50 most common animals, breaking them down into categories like pets, farm animals, wild animals, and sea creatures. Along the way, we’ll also provide tips for remembering these names and practicing them in your everyday life.

German Names of the 50 Most Common Animals
German Names of the 50 Most Common Animals

1. Pets (Haustiere)

Pets are a popular topic in everyday conversation, and knowing their German names can help you better connect with animal-loving friends or host families. Here are the most common pets in German:

  1. Der Hund – Dog

  2. Die Katze – Cat

  3. Der Hamster – Hamster

  4. Das Kaninchen – Rabbit

  5. Der Wellensittich – Budgerigar (Budgie)

  6. Der Goldfisch – Goldfish

  7. Das Meerschweinchen – Guinea Pig

  8. Die Schildkröte – Tortoise/Turtle

  9. Der Papagei – Parrot

  10. Die Maus – Mouse

Tip: Practise these words by describing pets around you. For example, say: "Ich habe einen Hund" (I have a dog) or "Meine Nachbarin hat eine Katze" (My neighbour has a cat).

2. Farm Animals (Bauernhoftiere)

Whether you’re reading a children’s book or visiting a farm, knowing the German names for farm animals is useful and fun. These are some of the most common farm animals:

  1. Das Schwein – Pig

  2. Die Kuh – Cow

  3. Das Huhn – Chicken

  4. Der Hahn – Rooster

  5. Das Pferd – Horse

  6. Das Schaf – Sheep

  7. Die Ziege – Goat

  8. Die Ente – Duck

  9. Die Gans – Goose

  10. Der Truthahn – Turkey

Tip: To help memorize these words, imagine walking through a farm and label the animals as you picture them in your mind: "Die Kuh frisst Gras" (The cow is eating grass) or "Das Schwein ist im Stall" (The pig is in the barn).

3. Wild Animals (Wildtiere)

Whether you’re visiting a zoo or exploring nature, learning the German names for wild animals is a must. Here are some common wild animals in German:

  1. Der Löwe – Lion

  2. Der Elefant – Elephant

  3. Der Tiger – Tiger

  4. Der Bär – Bear

  5. Das Krokodil – Crocodile

  6. Die Giraffe – Giraffe

  7. Das Nilpferd – Hippopotamus

  8. Das Nashorn – Rhinoceros

  9. Der Affe – Monkey

  10. Das Zebra – Zebra

Tip: When visiting the zoo, use these names to describe the animals you see: "Der Elefant hat große Ohren" (The elephant has big ears) or "Der Löwe schläft in der Sonne" (The lion is sleeping in the sun).

4. Sea Animals (Meerestiere)

If you’re fascinated by the ocean, you’ll want to know the German names of these common sea creatures. Here are some animals you might find in or near the sea:

  1. Der Fisch – Fish

  2. Der Wal – Whale

  3. Der Delfin – Dolphin

  4. Der Hai – Shark

  5. Der Seestern – Starfish

  6. Die Krabbe – Crab

  7. Die Qualle – Jellyfish

  8. Der Oktopus – Octopus

  9. Die Robbe – Seal

  10. Der Pinguin – Penguin

Tip: Use these words when talking about marine life or documentaries: "Der Delfin springt aus dem Wasser" (The dolphin jumps out of the water) or "Die Krabbe läuft am Strand" (The crab is walking on the beach).

5. Birds (Vögel)

Birds are commonly seen and heard everywhere, and learning their German names will help you identify them while birdwatching or in everyday conversations:

  1. Der Spatz – Sparrow

  2. Der Adler – Eagle

  3. Die Eule – Owl

  4. Der Falke – Falcon

  5. Der Papagei – Parrot

  6. Der Rabe – Raven

  7. Der Schwan – Swan

  8. Die Taube – Pigeon

  9. Der Storch – Stork

  10. Der Specht – Woodpecker

Tip: Practice by observing birds in your environment. You can say: "Ich sehe einen Spatz im Baum" (I see a sparrow in the tree) or "Der Adler fliegt hoch am Himmel" (The eagle is flying high in the sky).

How to Memorise Animal Names in German

Learning 50 new words might seem overwhelming at first, but there are several fun and effective ways to commit them to memory:

1. Use Flashcards

Create a set of flashcards with the German name of the animal on one side and a picture or the English name on the other. Review these regularly to help cement the words in your memory. Apps like Quizlet can also be helpful for digital flashcards.

2. Watch Documentaries in German

Watching nature documentaries in German can introduce you to the names of animals in context. Platforms like YouTube and Netflix often have options for German audio or subtitles, making it easier to associate animal names with their behaviour and environment.

3. Play Memory Games

Animal memory games can be a great way to practice. You can play online games or even make your own by creating pairs of cards with the German animal names and pictures, then try to match them.

4. Speak and Write About Animals

Try to incorporate animal names into sentences whenever you can. For example, write short stories or descriptions using the animal names you’ve learned or challenge yourself to have a conversation about animals with a language partner or tutor.

5. Label Pictures or Visit Zoos

If possible, visit a zoo or look at animal photos and try to name the animals in German. Zoos often have signs with both German and English names, which can be a fun way to connect the names with real-life animals.


Learning the German names of animals is a fun way to expand your vocabulary while immersing yourself in the natural world. Knowing these animal names will enhance your conversations and understanding of German, whether you’re talking about your favourite pet, describing wild animals, or watching documentaries.

Don’t forget to practice regularly and use the tips provided to keep the vocabulary fresh in your mind. If you're looking for personalised help in mastering German vocabulary or learning German online, consider checking out the private German lessons and small group classes available at Olesen Tuition. Our experienced tutors can help you tailor your learning experience to your individual needs, making language acquisition both effective and enjoyable. Viel Spaß beim Lernen der Tiere auf Deutsch! (Have fun learning the animals in German!)

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