Winter is a season full of charm, from snow-covered landscapes to cosy evenings by the fire. Whether you’re planning a winter trip to a German-speaking country, getting ready for winter sports, or just love the cold weather, knowing the right German vocabulary will help you immerse yourself in the magic of the season. From describing snowy scenes to talking about winter sports and festive traditions, mastering these German winter terms will ensure you get the most out of the chilly months.
In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to 50 common German winter terms, categorized into general winter terms, winter clothing, weather, winter sports, and winter holidays. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to discuss the cold season, talk about winter activities, and embrace wintertime in German-speaking regions.
1. General Winter Terms (Allgemeine Winterbegriffe)
These general winter terms will help you talk about the season, from the first snow to the chilly air. They are essential for discussing your winter plans and describing the mood of the season.
Der Winter – Winter
Der Schnee – Snow
Die Kälte – Cold
Der Frost – Frost
Der Eiszapfen – Icicle
Der Schneesturm – Snowstorm
Die Schneeflocke – Snowflake
Der Winteranfang – Beginning of winter
Die Dunkelheit – Darkness
Der Wintertag – Winter day
Tip: Talk about the season: "Im Winter genieße ich den Schnee und die klare, kalte Luft." (In winter, I enjoy the snow and the crisp, cold air.) In a related post, you'll learn how to say you're cold in German.
2. Winter Clothing (Winterkleidung)
Bundling up in warm clothing is a must during the winter months. These German terms will help you talk about winter attire, from coats to accessories, ensuring you stay cozy throughout the season.
Die Winterjacke – Winter jacket
Der Schal – Scarf
Die Handschuhe – Gloves
Die Mütze – Beanie/hat
Die Stiefel – Boots
Der Mantel – Coat
Der Pullover – Sweater
Die Wollsocken – Wool socks
Die Thermounterwäsche – Thermal underwear
Der Schal – Scarf
Tip: Talk about staying warm: "Ich ziehe meine Winterjacke und Wollsocken an, bevor ich in den Schnee gehe." (I put on my winter jacket and wool socks before going out in the snow.)
3. Winter Weather (Winterwetter)
Winter weather brings a unique set of conditions, from snow and frost to icy roads and chilly winds. These German terms will help you describe the winter weather and prepare for the seasonal elements.
Der Schneefall – Snowfall
Der Wind – Wind
Die Eisglätte – Icy roads
Die Kältewelle – Cold spell
Das Glatteis – Black ice
Der Eisregen – Freezing rain
Der Nebel – Fog
Die Schneeschaufel – Snow shovel
Der Schneepflug – Snowplow
Das Streusalz – Road salt
Tip: Describe the weather: "Der Schneefall ist stark, und auf den Straßen gibt es viel Glatteis." (The snowfall is heavy, and there is a lot of black ice on the roads.)
4. Winter Sports (Wintersport)
For many people, winter is all about hitting the slopes and enjoying winter sports. These German terms will help you talk about your favourite winter activities, from skiing to ice skating.
Das Skifahren – Skiing
Das Snowboarden – Snowboarding
Das Eislaufen – Ice skating
Der Skilift – Ski lift
Der Ski – Ski (singular)
Das Schneemobil – Snowmobile
Der Schlitten – Sled
Das Rodeln – Sledding
Die Skibrille – Ski goggles
Die Skischuhe – Ski boots
Tip: Talk about winter sports: "Ich freue mich darauf, im Winter Skifahren zu gehen und die Pisten hinunterzufahren." (I’m looking forward to going skiing this winter and hitting the slopes.)
5. Winter Holidays and Traditions (Winterferien und Traditionen)
Winter is also the season for holidays and special traditions, particularly around Christmas and New Year’s. These German terms will help you discuss winter holidays, family gatherings, and festive activities.
Weihnachten – Christmas
Der Weihnachtsmarkt – Christmas market
Der Glühwein – Mulled wine
Der Adventskalender – Advent calendar
Die Weihnachtsfeier – Christmas party
Silvester – New Year's Eve
Das Neujahr – New Year
Die Feuerwerkskörper – Fireworks
Der Weihnachtsbaum – Christmas tree
Die Bescherung – Gift-giving (on Christmas Eve)
Tip: Talk about winter holidays: "An Weihnachten besuchen wir den Weihnachtsmarkt und trinken Glühwein, bevor wir den Weihnachtsbaum schmücken." (At Christmas, we visit the Christmas market and drink mulled wine before decorating the Christmas tree.)
How to Memorise German Winter Vocabulary
Learning 50 new German winter terms might seem like a lot, but by integrating these words into your daily life during the winter months, you’ll quickly become familiar with them. Here are a few tips to help you memorize and use these terms effectively:
1. Use German While Describing Winter Weather
Whether you’re talking to friends or simply thinking about the day ahead, try using these German terms to describe the winter conditions. For example, say "Der Schneefall" (the snowfall) and "die Kälte" (the cold) to describe the weather.
2. Watch Winter-Themed Shows or Movies in German
There are many German-language films and shows that are set during the winter season. Watching these will expose you to winter vocabulary in context, and you’ll see how native speakers talk about the season and activities.
3. Practice with Flashcards
Create flashcards with the German term on one side and the English translation on the other. Apps like Quizlet or Anki are great for regularly reviewing flashcards and helping you memorize the vocabulary.
4. Immerse Yourself in Winter Sports or Traditions
If you’re participating in winter sports or celebrating winter holidays, use the German terms for these activities. Talk about skiing, sledging, or your favourite holiday traditions with friends or family members who are also learning German.
Read our related post on the German names of the 50 most common spring terms.
Learning the German names for common winter terms is essential for anyone who loves the season or is planning to spend time in a German-speaking country during the winter months. Whether you're enjoying winter sports, talking about the weather, or celebrating festive traditions, having the right vocabulary will help you navigate the cold season with ease.
By practicing these words regularly, watching winter-themed content, and using them in your daily conversations, you’ll quickly become comfortable discussing winter in German. If you're looking to expand your winter-related vocabulary or improve your German skills, consider taking German lessons online with Olesen Tuition. Our expert tutors can help you master German for every season, including the winter months.
Viel Spaß im Winter! (Have fun this winter!) Is this your favourite season? Tell us in the comments- in German, if you can!