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German Names of 50 Common Real Estate Terms: A Beginner’s Guide for Home Buyers and Owners

Writer: Jens OlesenJens Olesen

Updated: 3 days ago

Buying or owning a home is a major milestone, but navigating the world of real estate can be even more challenging when you’re dealing with it in a German-speaking country. Understanding the German terms for home buying, ownership, and maintenance is essential whether you’re purchasing your first home, managing property, or dealing with renovations.

In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to 50 common German real estate terms, categorized into general real estate terms, the buying process, home ownership, renovations and maintenance, and financial terms. By the end of this guide, you’ll be prepared to talk about buying, owning, and maintaining a home in German-speaking countries.

German Names of 50 Common Real Estate Terms: A Beginner’s Guide for Home Buyers and Owners
German terms for house buyers and owners

1. General Real Estate Terms (Allgemeine Immobilienbegriffe)

These general real estate terms will help you discuss homes, apartments, and property in German. Whether you’re talking about finding a house or the real estate market in general, these words are key.

  1. Die Immobilie – Property/Real estate

  2. Das Haus – House

  3. Die Wohnung – Apartment

  4. Das Eigenheim – Own home (homeownership)

  5. Der Makler / Die Maklerin – Real estate agent (male/female)

  6. Die Miete – Rent

  7. Der Mieter / Die Mieterin – Tenant (male/female)

  8. Der Vermieter / Die Vermieterin – Landlord (male/female)

  9. Der Mietvertrag – Rental agreement

  10. Die Wohnfläche – Living space (square footage)

Tip: Use these terms when discussing your search for a home: "Ich suche ein Eigenheim mit ausreichend Wohnfläche für meine Familie." (I’m looking for a home with enough living space for my family.)

2. The Home Buying Process (Der Kaufprozess eines Hauses)

Buying a home is a detailed process, with many steps and legal requirements. These German terms will help you navigate the stages of purchasing property, from finding a home to signing the final contract.

  1. Kaufen – To buy

  2. Das Angebot – Offer

  3. Die Besichtigung – Viewing (home tour)

  4. Der Kaufvertrag – Purchase contract

  5. Der Notar – Notary

  6. Der Kaufpreis – Purchase price

  7. Die Baufinanzierung – Mortgage financing

  8. Die Anzahlung – Down payment

  9. Die Kreditprüfung – Credit check

  10. Die Übergabe – Handover (of keys/property)

Tip: Talk about the buying process: "Wir haben uns das Haus angesehen und planen, ein Angebot zu machen." (We toured the house and are planning to make an offer.)

3. Home Ownership (Hausbesitz)

Once you’ve purchased your home, there’s a whole new set of vocabulary to learn related to owning and maintaining your property. These terms will help you understand your responsibilities as a homeowner.

  1. Der Hausbesitzer / Die Hausbesitzerin – Homeowner (male/female)

  2. Die Eigentumswohnung – Condominium (owned apartment)

  3. Die Grundsteuer – Property tax

  4. Die Versicherung – Insurance

  5. Die Grundbuch – Land registry

  6. Das Grundbuchamt – Land registry office

  7. Die Gemeinschaftskosten – Common charges (in shared buildings)

  8. Die Instandhaltung – Maintenance/upkeep

  9. Die Nebenkosten – Additional costs (utilities, etc.)

  10. Das Baurecht – Building rights

Tip: Discuss your homeownership responsibilities: "Als Hausbesitzer trage ich die Verantwortung für die Instandhaltung des Hauses und die Grundsteuer." (As a homeowner, I’m responsible for the maintenance of the house and the property tax.)

4. Renovations and Maintenance (Renovierungen und Instandhaltung)

Owning a home means ongoing repairs and renovations. These German terms will help you talk about home improvement projects, hiring contractors, and maintaining your home’s condition.

  1. Renovieren – To renovate

  2. Sanieren – To refurbish/renovate (usually extensive)

  3. Der Umbau – Remodeling

  4. Die Modernisierung – Modernization

  5. Die Baugenehmigung – Building permit

  6. Der Handwerker – Tradesman/contractor

  7. Die Heizung – Heating

  8. Das Dach – Roof

  9. Die Fassade – Facade/exterior

  10. Das Fundament – Foundation

Tip: Talk about renovations: "Wir planen eine Sanierung des Dachs und eine Modernisierung der Heizungsanlage." (We’re planning to renovate the roof and modernize the heating system.) Read our related post on the German names of the 50 most common furniture.

5. Financial Terms (Finanzielle Begriffe)

Understanding the financial aspects of homeownership is essential for managing your mortgage, property taxes, and ongoing costs. These German terms will help you navigate the financial side of owning a home.

  1. Die Hypothek – Mortgage

  2. Der Zinssatz – Interest rate

  3. Die Tilgung – Repayment (of a loan)

  4. Die Restschuld – Remaining debt (on a mortgage)

  5. Der Kreditgeber – Lender

  6. Die Finanzierung – Financing

  7. Der Eigenkapitalanteil – Equity

  8. Die Rückzahlung – Repayment (of a loan)

  9. Die Kaution – Security deposit (for rented property)

  10. Der Kaufnebenkosten – Additional purchase costs (closing costs, notary fees, etc.)

Tip: Discuss financing options: "Wir müssen die Hypothek mit einem günstigen Zinssatz sichern, um die monatlichen Rückzahlungen niedrig zu halten." (We need to secure a mortgage with a favorable interest rate to keep the monthly repayments low.)

How to Memorise German Real Estate Vocabulary

Learning 50 new German real estate terms might seem daunting, but with the right strategies, you’ll be able to integrate these words into your home-buying or owning experience. Here are some tips to help you memorize and use these terms effectively:

1. Use German While House Hunting

As you explore homes or properties, try using these German terms to describe the process and discuss your requirements with agents or other homeowners. For example, say "Die Besichtigung" (viewing) or "Der Kaufvertrag" (purchase contract) when discussing the property-buying process.

2. Read Real Estate Listings in German

Reviewing German-language real estate listings online or in newspapers will expose you to the vocabulary in context. Pay attention to how properties are described and familiarize yourself with common terms like "Wohnfläche" (living space) and "Makler" (real estate agent).

3. Watch Home Buying and Renovation Shows in German

There are many German-language TV shows and online videos about home buying, renovating, and house tours. Watching these will help you hear how native speakers use real estate terms, and you’ll see them in action during the buying and owning process.

4. Create Flashcards for Key Terms

Make flashcards with the German term on one side and the English translation on the other. Apps like Quizlet or Anki can help you review flashcards regularly and reinforce your real estate vocabulary.


Learning the German names for common real estate terms is essential for anyone buying or owning a home in a German-speaking country. Whether you're navigating the home-buying process, managing a property, or planning renovations, having the right vocabulary will help you communicate effectively and make informed decisions.

By practising these words regularly, reading real estate listings, and using them in your daily interactions with agents or contractors, you’ll quickly become comfortable discussing real estate in German. If you're looking to expand your vocabulary or improve your German skills for homeownership, consider taking German lessons online with Olesen Tuition. Our expert tutors can help you master German for real estate and ensure your success as a home buyer or owner.

Viel Erfolg beim Hauskauf! (Good luck with your home purchase!)


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