If you’re a lawyer or working in the legal field, knowing the right German legal terms is crucial when dealing with German-speaking clients, contracts, or court proceedings. Whether you’re drafting legal documents, negotiating contracts, or participating in litigation, having the right vocabulary will help you navigate the legal system and communicate effectively. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to 50 common legal terms in German, categorized into general legal terms, courtroom vocabulary, legal processes, contract law, and legal professions. By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped to discuss legal matters, draft documents, and handle legal cases in German.
1. General Legal Terms (Allgemeine Rechtsbegriffe)
These general legal terms are essential for any lawyer working in a German-speaking environment. Whether you’re dealing with laws, rights, or legal obligations, these terms will help you understand and explain basic legal concepts in German.
Das Gesetz – Law
Das Recht – Right (legal)
Die Vorschrift – Regulation
Der Vertrag – Contract
Die Rechtsnorm – Legal norm
Der Anspruch – Claim
Die Haftung – Liability
Das Strafrecht – Criminal law
Das Zivilrecht – Civil law
Die Rechtswidrigkeit – Illegality
Tip: Practice talking about legal matters in German: "Der Vertrag enthält alle gesetzlichen Vorschriften und Rechte des Käufers." (The contract contains all the legal regulations and rights of the buyer.)
2. Courtroom Vocabulary (Gerichtsterminologie)
If you work in litigation or participate in courtroom proceedings, understanding these German legal terms related to the court is crucial for effectively handling cases, presenting arguments, and interacting with judges and lawyers.
Das Gericht – Court
Der Richter / Die Richterin – Judge (male/female)
Der Kläger / Die Klägerin – Plaintiff (male/female)
Der Angeklagte / Die Angeklagte – Defendant (male/female in criminal cases)
Der Beklagte / Die Beklagte – Defendant (male/female in civil cases)
Der Zeuge / Die Zeugin – Witness (male/female)
Das Urteil – Judgment
Das Beweisstück – Exhibit (evidence)
Die Verhandlung – Trial/Hearing
Das Strafmaß – Sentence (criminal penalty)
Tip: Practice using these terms: "Der Richter wird das Urteil nach der Verhandlung verkünden." (The judge will announce the judgment after the trial.)
3. Legal Processes and Procedures (Rechtsprozesse und -verfahren)
Understanding the steps of legal procedures and processes is essential for moving cases forward. These German terms will help you discuss legal actions, lawsuits, and procedural rules with clarity and precision.
Die Klage – Lawsuit
Das Verfahren – Proceeding
Die Berufung – Appeal
Die Anhörung – Hearing
Der Vergleich – Settlement
Die Beweisführung – Presentation of evidence
Die Untersuchungshaft – Pretrial detention
Die Vorladung – Summons
Das Rechtsmittel – Legal remedy
Die Entscheidung – Decision
Tip: Talk about legal processes in German: "Wir haben Berufung gegen die Entscheidung des Gerichts eingelegt." (We have filed an appeal against the court’s decision.)
4. Contract Law and Commercial Terms (Vertragsrecht und Wirtschaftsbegriffe)
Contracts are a major part of legal work, especially in commercial law. These German terms will help you understand and draft contracts, negotiate agreements, and handle disputes related to commercial transactions.
Der Kaufvertrag – Purchase agreement
Der Mietvertrag – Lease agreement
Der Arbeitsvertrag – Employment contract
Die AGB (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen) – General terms and conditions
Die Vertragsklausel – Contract clause
Die Vertragsstrafe – Penalty clause
Der Rücktritt – Withdrawal (from a contract)
Die Vertragsverletzung – Breach of contract
Die Verjährung – Statute of limitations
Die Zustimmung – Consent
Tip: Practice discussing contracts in German: "Die Vertragsklauseln müssen eindeutig formuliert sein, um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden." (The contract clauses must be clearly formulated to avoid misunderstandings.)
5. Legal Professions and Roles (Juristische Berufe und Rollen)
In the legal world, different professionals play specific roles, from lawyers and judges to legal clerks and paralegals. These German terms will help you identify and describe the various roles in the legal system.
Der Anwalt / Die Anwältin – Lawyer (male/female)
Der Strafverteidiger / Die Strafverteidigerin – Criminal defence lawyer (male/female)
Der Staatsanwalt / Die Staatsanwältin – Prosecutor (male/female)
Der Notar / Die Notarin – Notary (male/female)
Der Gerichtsvollzieher / Die Gerichtsvollzieherin – Bailiff (male/female)
Der Rechtsanwalt / Die Rechtsanwältin – Attorney (male/female)
Der Rechtsreferendar / Die Rechtsreferendarin – Law clerk (male/female)
Der Mediator / Die Mediatorin – Mediator (male/female)
Der Gerichtsdolmetscher / Die Gerichtsdolmetscherin – Court interpreter (male/female)
Der Sachverständige / Die Sachverständige – Expert witness (male/female)
Tip: Practice using these terms: "Der Strafverteidiger wird die Verteidigung des Angeklagten vor Gericht übernehmen." (The criminal defence lawyer will take over the defendant’s defence in court.)
How to Memorise German Legal Vocabulary
Learning 50 new German legal terms may seem overwhelming, but with the right strategies, you can integrate them into your work as a lawyer. Here are some tips to help you memorize and use these words:
1. Read Legal Documents in German
Reading contracts, court decisions, and legal texts in German will help you see how legal terms are used in context. Pay attention to the way specific terms like "Vertrag" (contract) and "Urteil" (judgment) are applied in real cases.
2. Write in German
Practice drafting short legal briefs, contracts, or notes in German. For example: "Der Arbeitsvertrag enthält alle relevanten Klauseln und AGB." (The employment contract contains all the relevant clauses and general terms and conditions.) Writing will reinforce your understanding of legal vocabulary.
3. Use Flashcards
Create flashcards with the German term on one side and the English translation or definition on the other. Apps like Quizlet or Anki are excellent for digital flashcards that you can review regularly.
4. Watch German Court Dramas or Legal Documentaries
There are plenty of German-language legal TV shows, documentaries, and movies that will expose you to how the language is used in courtroom settings. Watching these will help you hear the vocabulary in action.
5. Practice with Colleagues or Legal Partners
If you have colleagues or partners who are learning German or speak the language, practice discussing legal cases, contracts, or court proceedings in German. For example: "Hast du den Kaufvertrag für den Kunden überprüft?" (Did you review the purchase agreement for the client?)
Learning the German names for common legal terms is an essential part of navigating the legal field in a German-speaking environment. Whether you’re drafting contracts, participating in court proceedings, or advising clients, having the right vocabulary will help you communicate effectively and handle legal matters with confidence.
By practicing these words regularly, reading German legal documents, and discussing legal topics with colleagues, you’ll quickly become more comfortable working in a German-speaking legal context. If you're looking to expand your legal vocabulary or improve your professional German skills, consider taking German lessons online with Olesen Tuition. Our expert tutors can help you master legal German and ensure your success in the legal field.
Viel Erfolg bei der Arbeit im Rechtswesen! (Good luck working in the legal field!)