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German Names of 50 Common Kitchen Items: A Beginner’s Guide

Writer: Jens OlesenJens Olesen

Updated: 4 days ago

The kitchen is often the heart of a home, and whether you’re cooking, baking, or just grabbing a snack, knowing the German names for common kitchen items can be incredibly useful. From appliances and utensils to cookware and dishes, this vocabulary is essential for anyone living in or visiting a German-speaking country, or even just following a German recipe. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to the German names of 50 common kitchen items, grouped into categories like appliances, utensils, cookware, and tableware. By the end, you’ll have a solid foundation for talking about your kitchen in German, ordering items for your kitchen, or simply navigating conversations about food and cooking.

German Names of 50 Common Kitchen Items: A Beginner’s Guide
German Names of 50 Common Kitchen Items: A Beginner’s Guide

1. Kitchen Appliances (Küchengeräte)

Knowing the names of basic kitchen appliances in German will help you whether you’re shopping for new equipment or following a recipe that calls for a specific tool.

  1. Der Herd – Stove

  2. Der Backofen – Oven

  3. Der Kühlschrank – Refrigerator

  4. Die Mikrowelle – Microwave

  5. Die Spülmaschine – Dishwasher

  6. Die Kaffeemaschine – Coffee machine

  7. Der Toaster – Toaster

  8. Der Mixer – Blender

  9. Der Wasserkocher – Electric kettle

  10. Der Entsafter – Juicer

Tip: Practice by describing your kitchen appliances in German. For example: "In meiner Küche habe ich einen Herd, einen Kühlschrank und eine Kaffeemaschine." (In my kitchen, I have a stove, a refrigerator, and a coffee machine.)

2. Cooking Utensils (Kochutensilien)

Cooking involves using various utensils to prepare food. Knowing these words in German is crucial, especially when following recipes or describing the process of cooking.

  1. Der Kochlöffel – Wooden spoon

  2. Der Pfannenwender – Spatula

  3. Das Schneidebrett – Cutting board

  4. Das Messer – Knife

  5. Die Gabel – Fork

  6. Der Löffel – Spoon

  7. Der Schneebesen – Whisk

  8. Der Schäler – Peeler

  9. Der Dosenöffner – Can opener

  10. Der Messbecher – Measuring cup

Tip: When you’re cooking, practice using the names of these items in German. For example: "Ich benutze den Schneebesen, um die Eier zu schlagen." (I’m using the whisk to beat the eggs.)

3. Cookware (Kochgeschirr)

Cookware refers to the pots, pans, and other containers you use to cook food. Knowing these terms will help you talk about your kitchen, follow German recipes, or shop for new cookware.

  1. Die Pfanne – Frying pan

  2. Der Topf – Pot

  3. Der Wok – Wok

  4. Der Dampfgarer – Steamer

  5. Der Schnellkochtopf – Pressure cooker

  6. Die Auflaufform – Casserole dish

  7. Der Bräter – Roasting pan

  8. Der Backblech – Baking sheet

  9. Die Springform – Springform pan

  10. Der Grill – Grill

Tip: When cooking, use the German words for the cookware. For example: "Ich brate das Gemüse in der Pfanne." (I’m frying the vegetables in the pan.) Read our related post on the German names of 50 cooking terms.

4. Tableware (Geschirr)

Tableware includes the plates, cups, and glasses you use for serving and eating food. Knowing these words will help you set the table in a German-speaking home or understand conversations about table settings.

  1. Der Teller – Plate

  2. Die Schüssel – Bowl

  3. Das Glas – Glass

  4. Die Tasse – Cup

  5. Die Untertasse – Saucer

  6. Das Besteck – Cutlery

  7. Das Weinglas – Wine glass

  8. Das Serviertablett – Serving tray

  9. Der Krug – Pitcher

  10. Die Serviette – Napkin

Tip: Practice setting the table by using the German terms for the items you use: "Ich decke den Tisch mit Tellern, Gläsern und Besteck." (I’m setting the table with plates, glasses, and cutlery.)

5. Miscellaneous Kitchen Items (Sonstige Küchengegenstände)

There are plenty of other items in the kitchen that don’t fit neatly into one category but are still essential to daily life. Here are the German names for some additional common kitchen items:

  1. Der Kühlschrankmagnet – Fridge magnet

  2. Der Mülleimer – Trash can

  3. Das Küchenhandtuch – Kitchen towel

  4. Der Schwamm – Sponge

  5. Das Sieb – Sieve/Colander

  6. Der Flaschenöffner – Bottle opener

  7. Die Alufolie – Aluminum foil

  8. Das Backpapier – Baking paper

  9. Die Schürze – Apron

  10. Der Eiswürfelbehälter – Ice cube tray

Tip: Try describing the things you use for cleaning and storage in German. For example: "Ich wische den Tisch mit einem Schwamm ab." (I’m wiping the table with a sponge.)

How to Memorise German Kitchen Vocabulary

Learning 50 new German words for kitchen items might feel like a lot, but by integrating these terms into your daily life, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can remember them. Here are some tips to help:

1. Label Items in Your Kitchen

One of the best ways to remember these terms is to label the items in your kitchen with sticky notes. Write the German name on one side and stick the note to the item, such as labeling your refrigerator "Der Kühlschrank" or your stove "Der Herd".

2. Practice Using Words While Cooking

As you cook, say the names of the items you use out loud in German. This can be something as simple as saying: "Ich nehme das Messer, um das Gemüse zu schneiden." (I’m taking the knife to cut the vegetables.) The more you use the words in context, the easier they’ll stick.

3. Watch German Cooking Shows

Cooking shows are a great way to hear these words in action. You can find German-language cooking videos on platforms like YouTube or even watch German cooking shows on Netflix. Listening to native speakers talk about kitchen items will help reinforce the vocabulary in real-life situations.

4. Write a Recipe in German

Pick one of your favourite recipes and write it out in German, using the new words you’ve learned. This exercise will help you practice writing the names of kitchen items and ingredients, as well as reinforcing verbs related to cooking.

5. Use Flashcards

Create flashcards with the German word on one side and the English word or a picture on the other. Review them regularly to keep the vocabulary fresh in your mind. Apps like Quizlet or Anki can help you make digital flashcards that you can practice on the go.

You might also be interested to learn the German Names of 50 household chores in our related post.


Learning the German names for common kitchen items is a great way to expand your vocabulary while mastering everyday topics. Whether you’re living in a German-speaking country, planning to travel, or just enjoying learning the language, these words will help you talk about cooking, preparing meals, and keeping your kitchen organised.

By practising these words in your daily routine and using the tips provided, you’ll quickly become more comfortable with German kitchen vocabulary. If you're interested in learning more German vocabulary or improving your language skills overall, consider taking German lessons online with Olesen Tuition. Our experienced tutors can help you navigate the language in real-world contexts, ensuring that you become confident and fluent.

Viel Erfolg beim Lernen! (Good luck learning!)


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