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German Names of 50 Common Kitchen and Cooking Terms: A Beginner’s Guide for Chefs

Writer's picture: Jens OlesenJens Olesen

Updated: 11 hours ago

Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook looking to expand your skills in a German-speaking environment, knowing the right German kitchen and cooking vocabulary is essential. From cooking techniques to kitchen equipment, understanding these terms will help you navigate recipes, communicate with colleagues, and confidently prepare dishes in German-speaking kitchens. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to 50 common German cooking terms, categorised into general kitchen terms, cooking techniques, ingredients, kitchen equipment, and food preparation. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the vocabulary you need to master the kitchen, follow recipes, and discuss culinary techniques in German.

German Names of 50 Common Kitchen and Cooking Terms: A Beginner’s Guide for Chefs

1. General Kitchen Terms (Allgemeine Küchenbegriffe)

These basic kitchen terms will help you talk about your work in the kitchen, from preparing meals to discussing the tools and space you use. They’re essential for any conversation about daily kitchen tasks.

  1. Die Küche – Kitchen

  2. Der Koch / Die Köchin – Chef (male/female)

  3. Das Rezept – Recipe

  4. Die Zubereitung – Preparation

  5. Der Geschmack – Flavor/Taste

  6. Die Portion – Portion

  7. Das Gericht – Dish (meal)

  8. Die Menge – Amount

  9. Die Zutat – Ingredient

  10. Die Gewürze – Spices

Tip: Talk about your work in the kitchen: "Als Koch bereite ich täglich verschiedene Gerichte zu und experimentiere mit neuen Gewürzen." (As a chef, I prepare different dishes every day and experiment with new spices.)

2. Cooking Techniques (Kochtechniken)

Mastering cooking techniques is crucial for any chef. These German terms for common cooking methods will help you understand recipes, follow instructions, and prepare meals with the right techniques.

  1. Braten – To roast/fry

  2. Dämpfen – To steam

  3. Kochen – To boil

  4. Schmoren – To braise

  5. Grillen – To grill

  6. Frittieren – To deep-fry

  7. Backen – To bake

  8. Sautieren – To sauté

  9. Pochieren – To poach

  10. Abschmecken – To season (to taste)

Tip: Discuss cooking methods: "Das Fleisch wird bei niedriger Hitze geschmort, um es zart zu machen, und dann abschmecke ich es mit Gewürzen." (The meat is braised at low heat to make it tender, and then I season it with spices.)

3. Ingredients (Zutaten)

Knowing the German names for ingredients is essential for following recipes and preparing dishes. These terms will help you identify key components in your meals, whether you're baking, roasting, or making sauces.

  1. Das Fleisch – Meat

  2. Das Gemüse – Vegetables

  3. Das Obst – Fruit

  4. Der Fisch – Fish

  5. Die Eier – Eggs

  6. Der Käse – Cheese

  7. Das Mehl – Flour

  8. Der Zucker – Sugar

  9. Das Öl – Oil

  10. Die Butter – Butter

Tip: Talk about ingredients: "Ich benutze frisches Gemüse und Kräuter, um die Aromen in meinem Gericht zu betonen." (I use fresh vegetables and herbs to enhance the flavors in my dish.)

4. Kitchen Equipment (Küchengeräte)

Every chef relies on the right tools to get the job done. These German terms for kitchen equipment will help you discuss the tools and appliances you need to prepare meals efficiently.

  1. Der Herd – Stove

  2. Der Backofen – Oven

  3. Der Topf – Pot

  4. Die Pfanne – Pan

  5. Das Messer – Knife

  6. Das Schneidebrett – Cutting board

  7. Der Mixer – Blender

  8. Das Sieb – Sieve/Strainer

  9. Die Reibe – Grater

  10. Der Löffel – Spoon

Tip: Talk about the tools you use: "Ich benutze den Mixer, um die Suppe zu pürieren, und die Reibe, um Käse für das Gericht zu reiben." (I use the blender to purée the soup and the grater to grate cheese for the dish.)

5. Food Preparation (Lebensmittelzubereitung)

Food preparation is a fundamental part of cooking, and understanding these German terms will help you work through recipes and cooking processes efficiently. These terms will help you describe how ingredients are prepared before cooking.

  1. Schneiden – To cut

  2. Hacken – To chop

  3. Würfeln – To dice

  4. Zerdrücken – To mash

  5. Schälen – To peel

  6. Rühren – To stir

  7. Kneten – To knead

  8. Mischen – To mix

  9. Abkühlen – To cool

  10. Einweichen – To soak

Tip: Discuss preparation tasks: "Bevor ich das Gemüse koche, schäle und würfle ich es, damit es gleichmäßig gart." (Before I cook the vegetables, I peel and dice them to ensure they cook evenly.)

How to Memorise German Kitchen Vocabulary

Learning 50 new German cooking terms might seem like a challenge, but by using these words regularly in the kitchen and combining them with real-life cooking experiences, you’ll quickly integrate them into your daily practice. Here are some tips to help you memorize and use these terms effectively:

1. Use German in the Kitchen

While preparing meals, try using the German terms for cooking techniques, ingredients, and equipment. For example, say "Schneiden" (to cut) and "Mischen" (to mix) while following a recipe.

2. Watch German Cooking Shows

Watching German-language cooking shows or YouTube tutorials will expose you to the vocabulary in context. Pay attention to how chefs describe their techniques and ingredients, and try to replicate their use of the language in your own cooking.

3. Practice with Fellow Chefs or Cooks

If you're cooking with friends or colleagues who speak German, practice discussing your recipes, ingredients, and techniques with them. This will help you gain confidence using the vocabulary in real-world situations.

4. Create Flashcards for Key Terms

Make flashcards with the German term on one side and the English translation or definition on the other. Apps like Quizlet or Anki can help you regularly review flashcards and reinforce your cooking vocabulary.


Learning the German names for common kitchen and cooking terms is essential for any chef or home cook working in a German-speaking environment. Whether you're discussing recipes, preparing ingredients, or cooking for guests, having the right vocabulary will help you navigate the kitchen with ease.

By practicing these words regularly, watching German cooking shows, and using them in your daily culinary tasks, you’ll quickly become comfortable discussing and following recipes in German. If you're looking to expand your culinary vocabulary or improve your German skills for the kitchen, consider taking German lessons online with Olesen Tuition. Our expert tutors can help you master German for the culinary world and ensure your success as a chef.

Guten Appetit und viel Spaß beim Kochen! (Enjoy your meal and have fun cooking!)



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