Whether you're an avid gym-goer, a fitness enthusiast, or just beginning your workout journey, learning the German names for common gym and fitness-related terms can be highly beneficial. If you're living in or visiting a German-speaking country or simply want to expand your German vocabulary, understanding how to talk about gym equipment, exercises, and fitness routines in German will help you communicate effectively during workouts and fitness classes. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to 50 common gym and fitness terms in German, categorized into gym equipment, exercises, fitness classes, and body parts. By the end of this guide, you’ll feel confident talking about your workout routine, gym equipment, and fitness goals in German.
1. Gym Equipment (Fitnessgeräte)
Knowing the German names for common gym equipment will help you navigate the gym, follow workout instructions, or ask for assistance while exercising. These terms will also be useful when discussing gym routines or shopping for fitness equipment.
Das Laufband – Treadmill
Der Crosstrainer – Elliptical trainer
Das Rudergerät – Rowing machine
Der Heimtrainer – Stationary bike
Das Gewicht – Weight
Die Hantel – Dumbbell
Die Langhantel – Barbell
Die Kettlebell – Kettlebell
Die Bankdrückbank – Bench press
Das Kraftgerät – Strength machine
Tip: Practice describing your gym routine in German: "Ich benutze das Laufband, dann hebe ich Gewichte mit den Hanteln." (I use the treadmill, then I lift weights with the dumbbells.)
2. Exercises (Übungen)
Understanding the German names for common exercises is essential for following workout routines, taking fitness classes, or describing your training program. Here are the German terms for some popular exercises.
Das Bankdrücken – Bench press
Die Kniebeuge – Squat
Der Ausfallschritt – Lunge
Der Liegestütz – Push-up
Der Klimmzug – Pull-up
Die Planke – Plank
Der Bizeps-Curl – Bicep curl
Das Seilspringen – Jump rope
Das Bauchmuskeltraining – Ab workout
Der Ausfallschritt mit Hanteln – Lunge with dumbbells
Tip: You can describe your workout in German: "Ich mache 10 Kniebeugen und 20 Liegestütze." (I do 10 squats and 20 push-ups.)
3. Fitness Classes (Fitnesskurse)
Attending a fitness class is a great way to stay motivated and meet your fitness goals. Knowing the German names for different fitness classes will help you choose the right one for your interests, whether it’s yoga, spinning, or strength training.
Der Yoga-Kurs – Yoga class
Der Spinning-Kurs – Spinning class
Der Pilates-Kurs – Pilates class
Der Zumba-Kurs – Zumba class
Der Krafttraining-Kurs – Strength training class
Das Aerobic-Training – Aerobics class
Das High-Intensity-Training (HIT) – High-intensity training (HIT)
Der Crossfit-Kurs – CrossFit class
Der Bootcamp-Kurs – Bootcamp class
Der Stretching-Kurs – Stretching class
Tip: You can talk about your fitness class schedule in German: "Ich gehe dreimal pro Woche zum Yoga-Kurs und einmal zum Spinning." (I go to yoga class three times a week and spinning once a week.)
4. Body Parts (Körperteile)
Knowing the German names for different body parts will help you understand workout instructions, follow fitness guides, and talk about muscle groups during exercises. This is particularly important for exercises targeting specific areas of the body.
Der Arm – Arm
Der Bizeps – Biceps
Der Trizeps – Triceps
Die Brust – Chest
Der Rücken – Back
Die Bauchmuskeln – Abs (abdominal muscles)
Der Oberschenkel – Thigh
Die Waden – Calves
Die Hüfte – Hip
Der Gesäßmuskel – Glute muscle
Tip: You can describe which part of your body you're focusing on: "Heute trainiere ich meine Bauchmuskeln und meinen Rücken." (Today, I’m training my abs and my back.
5. Miscellaneous Fitness Terms (Sonstige Fitnesstermine)
In addition to exercises and gym equipment, there are other key fitness-related terms you should know to fully understand workouts, classes, and gym instructions.
Das Aufwärmen – Warm-up
Das Dehnen – Stretching
Das Cool-Down – Cool-down
Das Cardio-Training – Cardio workout
Die Wiederholung – Repetition
Das Set – Set (exercise)
Die Pause – Rest (break)
Die Dauer – Duration
Das Ziel – Goal
Die Kalorien – Calories
Tip: You can talk about your workout structure: "Ich beginne mit einem Aufwärmen, mache drei Sätze Kniebeugen und beende das Training mit einem Cool-Down." (I start with a warm-up, do three sets of squats, and end the workout with a cool-down.)
How to Memorise German Gym and Fitness Vocabulary
Learning 50 new German words related to gym and fitness might seem overwhelming at first, but with regular practice, you can easily integrate them into your workout routine. Here are some tips to help you memorize and use these words:
1. Label Gym Equipment in German
If you work out at home, label your equipment with the German words. For example, put labels on your "Hantel" (dumbbell), "Laufband" (treadmill), and "Gewicht" (weight). Seeing these labels every day will help reinforce the vocabulary.
2. Watch German Fitness Videos
There are many German-language fitness videos on YouTube. Watching workout tutorials or gym tours in German will help you hear the vocabulary in context, making it easier to understand and use in real life.
3. Use Flashcards
Create flashcards with the German word on one side and the English translation or a picture on the other. Review them regularly to reinforce your memory. Apps like Quizlet or Anki can help you create digital flashcards for easy practice on the go.
4. Talk About Your Workout in German
Practice describing your workout routine in German to a language partner or even to yourself. For example: "Ich mache heute Bankdrücken und Klimmzüge." (Today, I’m doing bench press and pull-ups.) The more you practice, the easier the words will come to you.
5. Take a Fitness Class in German
If you’re in a German-speaking country, try taking a fitness class in German. This immersive experience will help you understand the instructions, improve your vocabulary, and give you real-life practice.
Learning the German names for common gym and fitness terms is an important step toward expanding your language skills and confidently navigating a German-speaking gym or fitness environment. Whether you're working out at home, attending fitness classes, or training at the gym, having the right vocabulary will help you follow instructions, talk about exercises, and describe your fitness routine in German. By practising these words regularly, incorporating them into your workout routine, and watching German fitness videos, you’ll quickly feel more confident using these terms. If you're interested in improving your German even further, consider taking German lessons online with Olesen Tuition. Our expert tutors can help you master German vocabulary for all areas of life, including fitness and health.
Viel Erfolg beim Trainieren und Lernen! (Good luck with your training and learning!)