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German Names of 50 Common Food Terms: A Beginner’s Guide for Food Lovers

Writer: Jens OlesenJens Olesen

Updated: Dec 12, 2024

Food is not just about sustenance; it’s a way to experience the culture, share moments, and indulge in flavours that excite the senses. If you’re a food lover, mastering German food vocabulary will enrich your culinary adventures, whether you’re cooking at home, dining at a restaurant, or travelling in a German-speaking country. From popular dishes to kitchen essentials, knowing these terms will make your gastronomic journey even more enjoyable.

In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to 50 common German food terms, categorized into general food terms, common ingredients, cooking techniques, restaurant vocabulary, and traditional German dishes. By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to talk about your favorite foods, navigate a German menu, and even try your hand at cooking with German recipes.

1. General Food Terms (Allgemeine Lebensmittelbegriffe)

These basic food terms will help you talk about food, meals, and flavours in German. Whether you're describing your favourite dish or talking about your love for cooking, these words are essential.

  1. Das Essen – Food

  2. Das Gericht – Dish (meal)

  3. Die Mahlzeit – Meal

  4. Der Geschmack – Taste/Flavor

  5. Die Küche – Cuisine (also kitchen)

  6. Die Zutat – Ingredient

  7. Der Hunger – Hunger

  8. Das Abendessen – Dinner

  9. Das Frühstück – Breakfast

  10. Das Mittagessen – Lunch

Tip: Use these terms to talk about food: "Das Abendessen war köstlich, besonders das Gericht mit frischen Zutaten." (Dinner was delicious, especially the dish with fresh ingredients.)

2. Common Ingredients (Häufige Zutaten)

Knowing the German names for common ingredients is essential whether you're cooking at home or dining out. These terms will help you recognize ingredients in recipes or order your favourite foods.

  1. Das Fleisch – Meat

  2. Das Gemüse – Vegetables

  3. Das Obst – Fruit

  4. Der Käse – Cheese

  5. Der Fisch – Fish

  6. Die Kartoffel – Potato

  7. Das Brot – Bread

  8. Das Ei – Egg

  9. Das Öl – Oil

  10. Der Zucker – Sugar

Tip: Talk about ingredients: "Dieses Gericht wird mit viel Gemüse und einer leichten Ölsoße zubereitet." (This dish is made with lots of vegetables and a light oil sauce.)

3. Cooking Techniques (Kochtechniken)

If you enjoy cooking or trying out new recipes, these German cooking technique terms will help you understand recipes, follow instructions, and describe how you prepare food.

  1. Braten – To roast/fry

  2. Kochen – To cook/boil

  3. Backen – To bake

  4. Dämpfen – To steam

  5. Grillen – To grill

  6. Schneiden – To cut

  7. Mischen – To mix

  8. Rühren – To stir

  9. Pochieren – To poach

  10. Frittieren – To deep-fry

Tip: Describe how you cook: "Ich grille das Fleisch und mische den Salat mit einem frischen Dressing." (I grill the meat and mix the salad with a fresh dressing.) You'll find the German names of the 50 most common kitchen items in a related post.

4. Restaurant Vocabulary (Restaurant-Vokabular)

Dining out is one of the best ways to explore new cuisines. These German restaurant terms will help you navigate a menu, order your food, and communicate with waitstaff in German-speaking regions.

  1. Das Restaurant – Restaurant

  2. Der Kellner / Die Kellnerin – Waiter / Waitress

  3. Die Speisekarte – Menu

  4. Das Getränk – Drink

  5. Die Vorspeise – Appetizer

  6. Das Hauptgericht – Main course

  7. Der Nachtisch – Dessert

  8. Die Rechnung – Bill

  9. Die Reservierung – Reservation

  10. Das Trinkgeld – Tip

Tip: Order food at a restaurant: "Ich hätte gern die Vorspeise mit frischem Brot und als Hauptgericht den Fisch." (I would like the appetizer with fresh bread and the fish for the main course.)

5. Traditional German Dishes (Traditionelle deutsche Gerichte)

Germany has a rich culinary tradition with hearty, flavorful dishes. These German food terms will help you recognize and enjoy some of the most famous traditional German foods.

  1. Das Schnitzel – Breaded and fried cutlet

  2. Die Bratwurst – Grilled sausage

  3. Der Sauerkraut – Fermented cabbage (sauerkraut)

  4. Das Brotzeit – Traditional Bavarian cold platter (often with bread, cheese, and meats)

  5. Der Apfelstrudel – Apple strudel (a dessert)

  6. Die Brezel – Pretzel

  7. Die Kartoffelsalat – Potato salad

  8. Das Eisbein – Pork knuckle

  9. Die Spätzle – Soft egg noodles (common in southern Germany)

  10. Die Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte – Black Forest cake (cherry chocolate cake)

Tip: Talk about your favourite German dishes: "Meine Lieblingsspeise ist Schnitzel mit Kartoffelsalat, und zum Nachtisch liebe ich Apfelstrudel." (My favourite dish is a schnitzel with potato salad, and for dessert, I love apple strudel.)

How to Memorize German Food Vocabulary

Learning 50 new German food terms might seem like a lot, but with regular practice and culinary experiences, you’ll quickly integrate these words into your daily conversations. Here are a few tips to help you memorize and use these terms effectively:

1. Use German When Cooking or Ordering Food

As you cook or order food, try using these German terms to describe the dishes and ingredients. For example, say "Gemüse" (vegetables) and "Schnitzel" (schnitzel) while preparing or ordering your meal.

2. Watch German Cooking Shows or Food Videos

Watching German-language cooking shows or food-related YouTube videos will expose you to the vocabulary in context. You’ll hear how native speakers describe ingredients, cooking techniques, and dishes.

3. Practice with Flashcards

Create flashcards with the German term on one side and the English translation on the other. Apps like Quizlet or Anki are great tools for reviewing flashcards regularly and reinforcing your food-related vocabulary.

4. Try Cooking German Recipes

Explore German cuisine by cooking traditional dishes from Germany. Use German names for ingredients and cooking techniques while following recipes, and enjoy a delicious meal while practising your language skills.


Learning the German names for common food terms is essential for anyone who loves food, whether you're dining out, cooking at home, or exploring new cuisines in a German-speaking country. Understanding these terms will help you describe your favourite dishes, navigate a menu, and communicate your culinary preferences with ease.

By practising these words regularly, watching food-related content in German, and using them in your daily conversations, you’ll quickly become comfortable discussing food in German. If you're looking to expand your food-related vocabulary or improve your German skills, consider taking German lessons online with Olesen Tuition. Our expert tutors can help you master German for food lovers and ensure your success in navigating German cuisine.

Guten Appetit! (Enjoy your meal!)


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