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German Names of 50 Common Autumn Terms: A Beginner’s Guide for Fall Lovers

Writer: Jens OlesenJens Olesen

Updated: Nov 18, 2024

Autumn, or Herbst in German, is a season of transition filled with falling leaves, cooler weather, and festive activities. Whether you're discussing autumn holidays, preparing for cooler temperatures, or enjoying seasonal foods, having the right German vocabulary will help you embrace the season in German-speaking countries. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to 50 common German autumn terms, categorised into general autumn terms, weather, nature and seasonal changes, activities, and holidays and traditions. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to talk about everything from the changing leaves to autumn holidays in German.

German Names of 50 Common Autumn Terms: A Beginner’s Guide for Fall Lovers
German Names of 50 Common Autumn Terms: A Beginner’s Guide for Fall Lovers

1. General Autumn Terms (Allgemeine Herbstbegriffe)

These basic autumn terms will help you talk about the season, from changing colours to seasonal activities. They’re essential for discussing your plans, traditions, and the general mood of autumn in German.

  1. Der Herbst – Autumn/Fall

  2. Die Jahreszeit – Season

  3. Der September – September

  4. Der Oktober – October

  5. Der November – November

  6. Die Herbstfarben – Autumn colours

  7. Der Herbstbeginn – Beginning of autumn

  8. Der Spätherbst – Late autumn

  9. Die Ernte – Harvest

  10. Das Laub – Foliage

Tip: Talk about autumn: "Der Herbst ist meine Lieblingsjahreszeit, besonders wegen der schönen Herbstfarben." (Autumn is my favourite season, especially because of the beautiful autumn colours.)

2. Autumn Weather (Herbstwetter)

Autumn brings cooler temperatures, rain, and sometimes the first frosts of the season. These German terms will help you talk about typical autumn weather and prepare for changing conditions.

  1. Kühl – Cool

  2. Der Regen – Rain

  3. Der Wind – Wind

  4. Der Nebel – Fog

  5. Der Frost – Frost

  6. Das Herbstwetter – Autumn weather

  7. Der Regenschauer – Rain shower

  8. Der Nieselregen – Drizzle

  9. Der stürmische Wind – Gusty wind

  10. Die Wetterveränderung – Weather change

Tip: Discuss autumn weather: "Das Herbstwetter ist oft kühl und windig, und es gibt viele Regenschauer." (The autumn weather is often cool and windy, and there are many rain showers.)

3. Nature and Seasonal Changes (Natur und Jahreszeitenwechsel)

Autumn is a season of transformation in nature, with leaves changing colours and animals preparing for winter. These German terms will help you describe the beauty and transitions happening in the natural world during the fall season.

  1. Das Blatt – Leaf

  2. Die Blätter – Leaves

  3. Das bunte Laub – Colorful foliage

  4. Das Herbstlaub – Autumn leaves

  5. Das Abfallen der Blätter – Leaf fall

  6. Der Baum – Tree

  7. Die Kastanie – Chestnut

  8. Die Eichel – Acorn

  9. Der Kürbis – Pumpkin

  10. Der Igel – Hedgehog

Tip: Describe autumn nature: "Im Herbst fallen die Blätter von den Bäumen, und die Farben des Laubs sind wunderschön." (In autumn, the leaves fall from the trees, and the colours of the foliage are beautiful.)

4. Autumn Activities (Herbstaktivitäten)

Autumn is filled with seasonal activities, from enjoying the outdoors to preparing for the cooler months ahead. These German terms will help you talk about common autumn activities, whether you’re spending time in nature or getting cozy indoors.

  1. Das Drachensteigen – Kite flying

  2. Das Pilzesammeln – Mushroom picking

  3. Die Wanderung – Hike

  4. Das Kürbisschnitzen – Pumpkin carving

  5. Das Lagerfeuer – Campfire

  6. Das Herbstfest – Autumn festival

  7. Der Spaziergang im Wald – Walk in the woods

  8. Die Herbstdekoration – Fall decorations

  9. Die Apfelernte – Apple picking

  10. Die Weinlese – Grape harvest

Tip: Talk about autumn activities: "Wir machen jedes Jahr im Herbst einen Spaziergang im Wald und schnitzen Kürbisse." (Every year in autumn, we go for a walk in the woods and carve pumpkins.)

5. Autumn Holidays and Traditions (Herbstliche Feiertage und Traditionen)

Autumn is a season of festivals and traditions in German-speaking countries. These German terms will help you discuss popular autumn holidays and the cultural events that take place during this season.

  1. Das Erntedankfest – Harvest festival (similar to Thanksgiving)

  2. Der Reformationstag – Reformation Day (October 31st)

  3. Das Oktoberfest – Oktoberfest (a famous Bavarian folk festival)

  4. Der Martinstag – St. Martin’s Day (November 11th)

  5. Der Laternenumzug – Lantern parade (St. Martin’s Day tradition)

  6. Der Allerseelentag – All Souls’ Day (November 2nd)

  7. Die Tracht – Traditional dress (worn at Oktoberfest)

  8. Das Bierfest – Beer festival

  9. Die Herbstmesse – Autumn fair

  10. Die Kürbisausstellung – Pumpkin exhibition

Tip: Talk about autumn holidays: "Wir feiern das Erntedankfest mit einem großen Festessen und nehmen am Laternenumzug am Martinstag teil." (We celebrate the harvest festival with a big feast and participate in the lantern parade on St. Martin’s Day.)

How to Memorise German Autumn Vocabulary

Learning 50 new German autumn terms might seem like a lot, but with regular practice and exposure to these words in real-life situations, you’ll be able to easily integrate them into your conversations. Here are some tips to help you memorize and use these terms effectively:

1. Use German While Enjoying Autumn Activities

As you enjoy seasonal activities, try using the German terms to describe what you're doing. For example, say "Kürbisschnitzen" (pumpkin carving) or "Apfelernte" (apple picking) while you participate in these autumn traditions.

2. Watch German Autumn-Themed Films or Shows

There are many German-language films and TV shows that are set in autumn or feature autumn traditions. Watching these will help you hear the vocabulary in context, reinforcing your understanding of terms like "Herbstlaub" (autumn leaves) and "Erntedankfest" (harvest festival).

3. Practice with Friends or Fellow Learners

If you're learning German with friends or family, practice discussing your autumn plans or favourite seasonal activities using German terms. This will help you use the vocabulary in real-life conversations.

4. Create Flashcards for Key Terms

Make flashcards with the German term on one side and the English translation or definition on the other. Apps like Quizlet or Anki are perfect for reviewing flashcards regularly, helping you memorize important autumn-related vocabulary.


Learning the German names for common autumn terms is essential for understanding seasonal activities, discussing traditions, and appreciating the beauty of autumn in German-speaking regions. Whether you're talking about the changing weather, autumn festivals, or outdoor activities, having the right vocabulary will help you embrace the season in a new language.

By practising these words regularly, watching autumn-themed content in German, and using them in your conversations, you’ll quickly become more comfortable discussing autumn in German. If you're looking to expand your vocabulary or improve your German skills for the fall season, consider taking German lessons online with Olesen Tuition. Our expert tutors can help you master German for all seasons and support your success in learning the language.

Genießen Sie den Herbst! (Enjoy the autumn!)

On our German language blog, you'll find many other posts designed to improve your German, such as How to talk about the weather in German. So check it out.


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