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Feasting in Deutsch: A Guide to Ordering Meals in German

Writer: Jens OlesenJens Olesen

Updated: Jan 19

Germany, renowned for its diverse and hearty cuisine, invites you to embark on a culinary adventure. Navigating a German menu and confidently placing your order can enhance your dining experience. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps of ordering a meal in German, ensuring that your taste buds savour every moment.

How to order a meal in German
How to order a meal in German

How to Order a Meal in German

1. Greeting and Seating:

Casual Greeting:

  • Begin your dining experience with a warm greeting. A simple "Guten Abend" (Good evening) or "Guten Tag" (Good day) is a polite and friendly way to start.


  • If it's open seating, feel free to choose a table. In more formal settings or crowded restaurants, wait for a host or hostess to seat you.

When you first enter a restaurant in Germany, you’ll likely be greeted by a host or server. In some cases, especially in more casual eateries, you might be expected to seat yourself.

Dialogue: Greeting and Seating

You: Guten Abend! Haben Sie einen Tisch für zwei Personen?**(Good evening! Do you have a table for two?)

Host: Guten Abend! Ja, natürlich. Folgen Sie mir bitte.**(Good evening! Yes, of course. Please follow me.)

You: Vielen Dank.**(Thank you.)

Host: Möchten Sie am Fenster sitzen oder lieber in der Mitte des Restaurants?**(Would you like to sit by the window or in the middle of the restaurant?)

You: Am Fenster, bitte.**(By the window, please.)

Host: Hier ist Ihr Tisch. Möchten Sie etwas Wasser bestellen, während Sie die Speisekarte anschauen?**(Here is your table. Would you like to order some water while you look at the menu?)

You: Ja, gerne. Ein stilles Wasser, bitte.**(Yes, please. A still water, thank you.)

2. Studying the Menu:

Exploration Time:

  • Take a moment to explore the menu. German menus often feature regional specialties, and some items may be unique to the restaurant.

Asking for Recommendations:

  • If you're unsure, don't hesitate to ask the server for recommendations. A polite "Was empfehlen Sie?" (What do you recommend?) can lead you to delightful culinary discoveries.

Understanding a German menu can be challenging, especially if you’re unfamiliar with some of the dishes. Don’t hesitate to ask the server for clarification.

Dialogue: Asking Questions About the Menu

You: Entschuldigung, könnten Sie mir erklären, was "Sauerbraten" ist?**(Excuse me, could you explain what "Sauerbraten" is?)

Server: Ja, natürlich. Sauerbraten ist ein traditioneller deutscher Braten, der in einer sauren Marinade eingelegt wird. Er wird oft mit Rotkohl und Knödeln serviert.**(Yes, of course. Sauerbraten is a traditional German roast that is marinated in a sour sauce. It’s often served with red cabbage and dumplings.)

You: Klingt lecker. Gibt es auch eine vegetarische Option?**(Sounds delicious. Is there a vegetarian option?)

Server: Ja, wir haben einen leckeren Gemüseeintopf und ein Pilzrisotto.**(Yes, we have a delicious vegetable stew and a mushroom risotto.)

You: Das Pilzrisotto klingt gut. Ich nehme das.**(The mushroom risotto sounds good. I’ll take that.)

3. Placing Your Order:

Getting Attention:

  • When ready to order, raise your hand slightly to attract the server's attention. They will approach when they see you're ready.

Clear Communication:

  • Clearly state your choices. If you'd like the schnitzel, for example, say "Ich hätte gerne das Schnitzel, bitte" (I would like the schnitzel, please).

Special Requests:

  • Feel free to make special requests or modifications. For instance, if you prefer a vegetarian option, you can say "Kann ich das Gericht vegetarisch bekommen?" (Can I have the dish as vegetarian opton?)

Once you’ve decided what to eat, it’s time to place your order. Here’s how to do it:

Dialogue: Placing Your Order

Server: Sind Sie bereit, Ihre Bestellung aufzugeben?**(Are you ready to place your order?)_

You: Ja, ich hätte gerne das Wiener Schnitzel mit Kartoffelsalat.**(Yes, I would like the Wiener schnitzel with potato salad.)

Server: Sehr gut. Möchten Sie eine Vorspeise oder einen Salat dazu?**(Very good. Would you like a starter or a salad with that?)

You: Nein, danke. Das Schnitzel reicht aus.**(No, thank you. The schnitzel will be enough.)_

Server: Und für Sie?**(And for you?)_

Your Friend: Ich nehme die Käsespätzle.**(I’ll have the cheese spätzle.)

Server: Ausgezeichnete Wahl. Möchten Sie noch etwas Brot dazu?**(Excellent choice. Would you like some bread with that?)

You: Ja, bitte.**(Yes, please.)

4. Drinks and Dessert:

Beverage Choices:

  • Consider ordering a traditional German beverage. For example, "Ein Bier, bitte" (A beer, please) or "Ein Glas Wein, bitte" (A glass of wine, please).

Dessert Delight:

  • Indulge in a sweet treat to conclude your meal. Saying "Ich nehme das Dessert, bitte" (I'll have the dessert, please) adds a delightful touch.

In Germany, drinks are often ordered separately from the meal, so be sure to specify what you’d like to drink.

Dialogue: Ordering Drinks

Server: Möchten Sie etwas zu trinken bestellen?**(Would you like to order something to drink?)

You: Ja, ich hätte gerne ein Bier.**(Yes, I would like a beer.)

Server: Welches Bier möchten Sie? Wir haben Pils, Weizenbier, und Helles.**(Which beer would you like? We have pilsner, wheat beer, and pale ale.)

You: Ich nehme ein Weizenbier, bitte.**(I’ll take a wheat beer, please.)

Your Friend: Und ich hätte gern ein Glas Rotwein.**(And I would like a glass of red wine.)

Server: Sehr wohl. Möchten Sie den Hauswein oder etwas Besonderes?**(Very well. Would you like the house wine or something special?)

Your Friend: Den Hauswein, bitte.**(The house wine, please.)

After the main course, you might want to indulge in a traditional German dessert. Here’s how to ask for the dessert menu and place your order.

Dialogue: Ordering Dessert

Server: Hat es Ihnen geschmeckt?**(Did you enjoy your meal?)

You: Ja, es war köstlich. Könnten wir bitte die Dessertkarte sehen?**(Yes, it was delicious. Could we see the dessert menu, please?)

Server: Natürlich. Hier ist die Dessertkarte.**(Of course. Here is the dessert menu.)

You: Was empfehlen Sie?**(What do you recommend?)

Server: Der Apfelstrudel mit Vanillesoße ist sehr beliebt, und die Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte ist auch hervorragend.**(The apple strudel with vanilla sauce is very popular, and the Black Forest cake is also excellent.)

You: Ich nehme den Apfelstrudel, bitte.**(I’ll take the apple strudel, please.)

Your Friend: Und ich hätte gern die Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte.**(And I’d like the Black Forest cake.)

Server: Sehr gut. Möchten Sie dazu Kaffee oder Tee?**(Very good. Would you like coffee or tea with that?)

You: Ja, einen Espresso, bitte.**(Yes, an espresso, please.)

5. Paying and Tipping:

Payment Process:

  • When you're ready to pay, signal the server. In many German restaurants, it's customary to pay directly at the table. Cash payments are preferred and typically not all credit cards are accepted.

Tipping Etiquette:

  • Tipping is customary in Germany, and it's common to round up the bill or leave around 5-10% of the total as a tip.

In Germany, when you’re ready to pay, you usually ask the server for the bill. Tipping is appreciated, but it’s usually done by rounding up to the nearest euro or adding a small amount.

Dialogue: Paying and Tipping

You: Könnten wir bitte die Rechnung bekommen?**(Could we get the bill, please?)

Server: Ja, natürlich. Kommt sofort.**(Yes, of course. Coming right up.)

You: Darf ich mit Karte zahlen?**(Can I pay by card?)

Server: Ja, das ist möglich. Möchten Sie zusammen oder getrennt zahlen?**(Yes, that’s possible. Would you like to pay together or separately?)

You: Zusammen, bitte. Wie viel macht das?**(Together, please. How much is it?)

Server: Das macht 45 Euro.**(That comes to 45 euros.)

You: Hier sind 50 Euro. Stimmt so.**(Here’s 50 euros. Keep the change.)

Server: Vielen Dank! Einen schönen Abend noch.**(Thank you very much! Have a nice evening.)

6. Saying Thank You:

Expressing Gratitude:

Show appreciation by saying "Vielen Dank" (Thank you) when the server brings your order and "Danke schön" (Thank you very much) when paying.

7. Restaurant Customs:

**1. Service Hours:

  • Keep in mind that dining times in Germany may differ from other countries. Lunch is typically served from 12:00 to 2:00 PM, while dinner is served from 6:00 PM onward.

**2. Water Preferences:

  • Asking for tap water is usually frowned upon, since many restaurants rely on the income they generate from drinks. Bottled water is normally complimentary.

The most common words phrases to order meals in German

  1. The menu, please - Die Speisekarte, bitte

  2. Die Weinkarte – The wine list

  3. Das Tagesgericht – The dish of the day

  4. Are you ready to order? - Sind Sie bereit zu bestellen?

  5. Yes, of course - Ja, natürlich

  6. One moment please - Einen Moment bitte

  7. What would you like? - Was möchten Sie bitte? or Was nehmen Sie bitte?

  8. I would like...- Ich möchte...

  9. I would like to have... - Ich hätte gern

  10. Könnten Sie mir etwas empfehlen? – Could you recommend something to me?

  11. Ist das Gericht scharf? – Is the dish spicy?

  12. Ist das Gericht glutenfrei? – Is the dish gluten-free

  13. Haben Sie vegetarische/vegane Gerichte? - Do you have vegetarian or vegan dishes?

  14. Gibt es Allergien? – Are there any allergies?

  15. May I offer you a cup of tea/coffee? - Darf Ich Ihnen eine Tasse Tee/Kaffee anbieten?

  16. Can I have the bill, please? - Die Rechnung, bitte: Conclude meals smoothly with this courteous request.

  17. How was your food? - Hat es Ihnen geschmeckt?

  18. Good, thanks - Gut, danke!

  19. Der Kellner/Die Kellnerin – The waiter/waitress

  20. Das Trinkgeld – The tip

Whether you're ordering traditional dishes, asking about special dietary requirements, or simply enjoying a drink, these dialogues and phrases will help you make the most of your dining experience in Germany. Remember, the key to feeling comfortable in any new language is practice. So, don't be afraid to use these phrases, even if you're unsure of your pronunciation—Germans generally appreciate the effort!

Mastering the art of ordering a meal in German not only ensures a delightful dining experience but also allows you to connect with the local culture through its flavours. Enjoy your culinary journey through Deutschland! Guten Appetit! (Enjoy your meal!)



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