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Essential German Words and Phrases for Registering at the Einwohnermeldeamt

Writer: Jens OlesenJens Olesen

Updated: Sep 18, 2024

When you move to Germany, one of the first things you need to do is register your new address with the Einwohnermeldeamt (Residents' Registration Office). This process is mandatory and must be done within a specific period, usually within 14 days of moving in. Registering is important for a variety of reasons, including receiving your residence permit, opening a bank account, and even signing up for utilities. Here are some essential German words, phrases, and tips to help you navigate this process smoothly.

Key Vocabulary

  • das Einwohnermeldeamt – Residents' Registration Office

  • das Bürgeramt – Citizen's office (sometimes interchangeable with Einwohnermeldeamt)

  • die Anmeldung – Registration

  • die Abmeldung – Deregistration (when you move out)

  • die Ummeldung – Change of address (if you move within the same city)

  • der Meldezettel – Registration form

  • die Meldebescheinigung – Registration certificate

  • der Personalausweis – ID card

  • der Reisepass – Passport

  • die Aufenthaltsgenehmigung – Residence permit

  • die Mietbescheinigung – Landlord’s confirmation of residence

  • der Mietvertrag – Rental contract

  • der Wohnsitz – Residence

  • der Hauptwohnsitz – Primary residence

  • der Nebenwohnsitz – Secondary residence

  • der Wohnungsgeber – Landlord

  • der Termin – Appointment

  • das Formular – Form

  • die Unterschrift – Signature

  • die Gebühr – Fee

  • die Adresse – Address

  • die Staatsangehörigkeit – Nationality

  • die Meldepflicht – Registration obligation

  • die Wohnungsgeberbestätigung – Landlord confirmation form

Essential Phrases for Registering

Making an Appointment

While some Einwohnermeldeamt offices allow walk-ins, it's often better to make an appointment to avoid long waiting times. Below are some essential phrases you can use when scheduling an appointment:

Making an Appointment by Phone or in Person:

  • Ich möchte einen Termin zur Anmeldung vereinbaren.(I would like to make an appointment for registration.)

  • Haben Sie nächste Woche einen freien Termin?(Do you have an available appointment next week?)

  • Wann ist der früheste Termin möglich?(When is the earliest appointment possible?)

  • Könnte ich bitte einen Termin für Montag bekommen?(Could I please get an appointment for Monday?)

  • Welche Unterlagen muss ich mitbringen?(What documents do I need to bring?)

  • Wie lange dauert der Termin ungefähr?(How long does the appointment usually take?)

  • Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, den Termin online zu vereinbaren?(Is there a possibility to schedule the appointment online?)

  • Ich möchte meinen Wohnsitz anmelden.(I would like to register my residence.)

  • Kann ich auch ohne Termin zur Anmeldung kommen?(Can I come to register without an appointment?)

Booking an Appointment Online:

If you’re making an appointment online, you might encounter these phrases:

  • Zur Terminvereinbarung hier klicken.(Click here to schedule an appointment.)

  • Bitte wählen Sie ein Datum und eine Uhrzeit.(Please choose a date and time.)

  • Bitte geben Sie Ihre persönlichen Daten ein.(Please enter your personal details.)

  • Ihr Termin wurde erfolgreich gebucht.(Your appointment has been successfully booked.)

  • Sie erhalten eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail.(You will receive a confirmation email.)

During the Registration Process

When you arrive at the Einwohnermeldeamt, you will need to communicate with the staff. These phrases will help:

Starting the Registration Process:

  • Guten Tag, ich möchte meinen Wohnsitz anmelden.(Hello, I would like to register my residence.)

  • Ich bin neu in Deutschland und möchte meine Adresse registrieren.(I am new to Germany and would like to register my address.)

  • Ich bin neu hier und möchte meinen Wohnsitz anmelden.(I am new here and would like to register my residence.)

  • Hier sind meine Unterlagen für die Anmeldung.(Here are my documents for the registration.)

  • Ich habe einen Termin für heute.(I have an appointment for today.)

  • Könnten Sie mir bitte bei der Anmeldung helfen?(Could you please help me with the registration?)

During the Registration:

  • Benötigen Sie meinen Reisepass oder meinen Personalausweis?(Do you need my passport or ID card?)

  • Brauchen Sie meinen Mietvertrag?(Do you need my rental contract?)

  • Hier ist die Bestätigung meines Vermieters.(Here is the confirmation from my landlord.)

  • Welche anderen Dokumente brauche ich?(What other documents do I need?)

  • Muss ich eine Gebühr bezahlen?(Do I need to pay a fee?)

  • Können Sie mir sagen, wie lange die Bearbeitung dauert?(Can you tell me how long the processing will take?)

  • Muss ich einen Nachsendeauftrag bei der Post einrichten?(Do I need to set up a forwarding order with the post office?)

  • Wo muss ich unterschreiben?(Where do I need to sign?)

Ending the Appointment:

  • Wann erhalte ich meine Meldebescheinigung?(When will I receive my registration certificate?)

  • Kann ich die Meldebescheinigung sofort mitnehmen?(Can I take the registration certificate with me right away?)

  • Gibt es noch etwas, das ich tun muss?(Is there anything else I need to do?)

  • Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe.(Thank you very much for your help.)

  • Auf Wiedersehen.(Goodbye.)

Additional Information

Sometimes, you might need to provide additional information or request further assistance:

  • Ich habe bereits einen Wohnsitz in Deutschland, aber ich bin umgezogen.(I already have a residence in Germany, but I have moved.)

  • Ich brauche eine Bestätigung für meine neue Adresse.(I need a confirmation for my new address.)

  • Können Sie mir erklären, welche Unterlagen ich mitbringen muss?(Can you explain which documents I need to bring?)

  • Was mache ich, wenn ich den Termin verpasse?(What should I do if I miss the appointment?)

Sample Dialogues at the Einwohnermeldeamt

To help you feel more comfortable, here are some sample dialogues you might encounter during the registration process at the Einwohnermeldeamt.

Dialogue 1: Making an Appointment by Phone

You: Guten Tag, ich möchte einen Termin zur Anmeldung meines Wohnsitzes vereinbaren.**(Good day, I would like to schedule an appointment to register my residence.)

Employee: Guten Tag! Wann möchten Sie den Termin wahrnehmen?**(Good day! When would you like to have the appointment?)

You: Haben Sie einen Termin nächste Woche frei?**(Do you have an appointment available next week?)

Employee: Ja, wir haben einen Termin am Dienstag um 10 Uhr. Passt das für Sie?**(Yes, we have an appointment on Tuesday at 10 AM. Does that work for you?)

You: Ja, das passt gut. Vielen Dank!**(Yes, that works well. Thank you!)

Employee: Bitte bringen Sie alle notwendigen Dokumente mit. Sie erhalten eine Bestätigung per E-Mail.**(Please bring all necessary documents with you. You will receive a confirmation by email.)

You: Vielen Dank, auf Wiederhören!**(Thank you, goodbye!)

Dialogue 2: During the Registration Process

You: Guten Tag, ich habe einen Termin zur Anmeldung meines Wohnsitzes.**(Good day, I have an appointment to register my residence.)

Employee: Guten Tag! Wie lautet Ihr Name?**(Do you have an appointment? What is your name?)

You: Mein Name ist [Your Name].**(Yes, I have an appointment. My name is [Your Name].)

Employee: Haben Sie Ihre Unterlagen dabei?**(Good day! Do you have your documents with you?)

You: Ja, hier sind mein Reisepass, die Bestätigung meines Vermieters und mein Mietvertrag.**(Yes, here are my passport, the confirmation from my landlord, and my rental contract.)

Employee: Vielen Dank. Ich werde die Dokumente überprüfen. Bitte füllen Sie dieses Formular aus.**(Thank you. I will check the documents. Please fill out this form.)

You: Muss ich sonst noch etwas tun?**(Is there anything else I need to do?)

Employee: Nein, das ist alles. Ihre Meldebescheinigung wird Ihnen per Post zugeschickt.**(No, that's all. Your registration certificate will be sent to you by post.)

You: Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe. Auf Wiedersehen!**(Thank you for your help. Goodbye!)

Employee: Gern geschehen. Auf Wiedersehen!**(You're welcome. Goodbye!)

Additional Information and Tips

Important Documents to Bring:

When registering at the Einwohnermeldeamt, ensure you have all the necessary documents with you. These typically include:

  • Passport or ID card: Your primary identification document.

  • Rental contract (Mietvertrag): A signed contract with your landlord showing your address.

  • Landlord’s confirmation (Mietbescheinigung): A document from your landlord confirming you are living at the address.

  • Residence permit (if applicable) (Aufenthaltserlaubnis): For non-EU citizens, this is necessary to prove your legal status in Germany.

  • Registration form (Anmeldeformular): Some offices may require you to fill out a form before your appointment.

Common Questions You Might Have:

  • What happens if I miss my appointment? If you miss your appointment, contact the Einwohnermeldeamt as soon as possible to reschedule. It’s important not to delay your registration because it is a legal requirement to register within a certain period after moving into your new residence (usually within 14 days in most places in Germany).

  • What if I need to register my family members? You can usually register your entire family during one appointment. Ensure you have all the necessary documents for each family member, including passports, rental contracts, and landlord confirmations. It’s advisable to inform the Einwohnermeldeamt in advance that you will be registering multiple people.

  • How soon after moving do I need to register? In most parts of Germany, you are required to register within 14 days of moving into your new residence. Failing to do so can result in fines, so it’s crucial to make an appointment as soon as you move in.

  • What if I move to a new address in Germany? You will need to update your registration at the Einwohnermeldeamt whenever you move to a new address within Germany. This process is known as Ummeldung. You will typically need to bring the same documents you provided for your initial registration, such as your ID, proof of residence, and the landlord's confirmation.

  • Do I need to de-register (abmelden) when leaving Germany? Yes, if you are permanently leaving Germany, you are required to de-register at the Einwohnermeldeamt before you go. This process is known as Abmeldung, and it officially removes you from the local registration records. You will need to bring your ID and possibly proof of your departure, such as a plane ticket.

  • Can I register at the Einwohnermeldeamt without a rental contract? In most cases, a rental contract or a landlord’s confirmation (Mietbescheinigung) is required to register at the Einwohnermeldeamt. If you do not have a formal rental contract, you may need a written statement from your landlord or the person you are living with that confirms your residence.

  • Is there a fee for registering at the Einwohnermeldeamt? Registration is generally free of charge, but in some cities or for certain types of services, there might be a small fee. It’s best to check with your local Einwohnermeldeamt in advance to confirm whether any fees apply.

  • Can I register online? Some cities in Germany offer the option to register online, but this is not yet available everywhere. If online registration is available, you will typically need to upload scanned copies of your documents and complete an online form. Check your local Einwohnermeldeamt website to see if this option is available.

  • What if I don’t speak German well? If you are not confident in your German language skills, you can bring a German-speaking friend or interpreter with you to the appointment. Some Einwohnermeldeamt offices may also offer services in English or provide translators upon request.

  • What documents are needed if I am a student? If you are registering as a student, you will generally need the same documents as anyone else (ID, proof of residence, landlord’s confirmation). Additionally, you may need to provide proof of enrollment from your university (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung).


Registering at the Einwohnermeldeamt is a straightforward process, but it’s important to be prepared with the right vocabulary and documents. Knowing these essential German words and phrases will help you communicate effectively and ensure that your registration goes smoothly. Once registered, you will receive your Meldebescheinigung, which is an important document for many aspects of life in Germany. Good luck with your registration, and welcome to Germany!

Our German language blog has many related posts with essential phrases, such as conversations at work and the office in German and doctor's appointments in German, grammar explanations and much more. So check it out now.


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